Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fake News harmed Hillary Clintion

Dear President Obama,

Over the years it has been great writing these letters to you, and placing them on the internet. I am an independent journalist with an MCA (Masters in Communication of Arts). The role of fake news in our news cycle, and in our political cycle is getting dangerous. I mean we are all liable to be influenced by fake news. And many of these reports are very alarming -- when it comes to President-Elect Donald J Trump. We know most people post news on sites, without vetting them -- share them and they become the norm.What doesn't become the norm is the simple notion of trending investigative reporting? 

Most journalist recycle news, and place some of their input and perspective into what they are targeting. For example, when you follow the fake news narrative and you follow the monies of Make America Great Again; it leaves you with questions. These questions leads you to open more doors, and these door show you actual facts. In part, nothing being sent to you that comes from the pen of I -- is fake, and has always been exclusively summons, and briefed plus investigated. 

The fake news narrative is not only all from Russian invasion in our elections. Russia, opened the door to this trend that is now dangerous. And it's dangerous to trending and real journalism, when people undermine real reporting.

Open Secrets: ( A non-partisan money tracker for political campaigns) shows: Donald J Trump's Make America Great again -- paid and used $125 million in media outlets. What is alarming is that a growing list of companies under this umbrella, used Fake News as a platform. Those are evident facts: Giles-Parscales was paid $58 million to create digital ads, that were extremely bad. Which is widely reported by Talking Memo Points, The Wired -- have said, many of the digital ads were fiction in part of Trump 2016. 

In places like Maine: a company like LL Bean Heiress, is currently under investigation by the FEC, for violating donation reporting and contribution of funds. They reported $60,000 raised and spent $66,000 -- while not being registered as a PAC in the system. And it's very unclear where they garnished the funds from, and the main goal of this non-registered PAC, was to undermine Hillary Clinton in Maine. This report is coming from a 1/6/2017 article from CNBC News. This pack is owned by Dave Jones, and they are now facing a boycott over what is considered fake news. 

A creditable company used fake news as a platform to tarnish and harm the campaign of Hillary Clinton in a state that has proportional electoral college voters. That lead to the undermining of our elections, based on lies from these news site -- which created a divide in our country.  

What is alarming to any journalist is the notion that most of these fake news sites -- came from information fed to them by key members of Trump's administration. An unconfirmed source sites that Steve Bannon, hired LifeZette, which is noted for promoting fake news and ads that damaged Hillary Clinton's campaign. Now there's no way to track where the monies have came or exchanged from because LifeZette is a private institution and something this free based journalist doesn't have the resources to probe. The Intercept  reported in November 26, 2016 that majority of the fake news are cronies of Make America Great. And based on FEC reporting, Make America Great Again ( PAC ) along with Breitbart paid campaign contributions to 25 fake news organizations like LifeZette, to distort the facts, and harm Hillary Clintion's campaign. 

LifeZette, got all of it's information from Wiki Leaks, so they saw a story -- promoted by Trump 2016, ( Exclusive insiders to his campaign ) and promoted these stories on social media in targeted paid for by Make America Great Again ads. Ads that were displayed on twitter, instagram, and some parts of facebook. 

When you place a targeted ad on social media, you are reaching a small market of people, and only giving them one side of the news.We are now in a state where 60% of the general public get their information from social media. And ads like this distort the news, and make it difficult to create a narrative in the general news cycle. 

This blog believes that because of the Russians hacking the DNC system, and the will to win a campaign by Trump 2016 -- with the amount of money spent on fake news. Seriously, $90 million of the $125 million spent from Trump 2016, went to fake news that based their information off of the Russian Hacking crisis. Those are facts that have been reported by Open Secrets, CNBC news, bloggers, and government agents.They supplied the demand, and the demand went viral to undermine our election system, and news cycle. This can't be the new way to campaign, and use of fiction to beat your political enemies. Fake News is a serious problem, and should be addressed at the highest level. Fake news is so damaging, that even a investigative journalist, of free press -- now has problems with reporting facts, even with solid sources -- that are backed by NAMES, can't seem to become valid under Trump's imaginary world of fiction news. 

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