Sunday, December 11, 2011

Alternative Energy

Dear President of the United States: President Barack Obama;

With great pleasure, and in reporting from this independent public / private agency under the umbrella of Congress! We would like to denounce the marginal claims made by a few democratic, plus republican mayors in New Jersey, and America abroad on the issues of Alternative Energy / plus this everlasting fight with pipeline expansion, and natural gas. These mayors may say that their voices go unheard: which is false. When it comes to alternative energy, in the two years since 2008 – after the financial clasp, we have seen breath taking turn-around numbers in Alternative Energy in progressive and conservative states. Yet the most dramatic numbers and turn-around coming from New Jersey happened under our watch. In manufacturing for alternative energy there was a decrease in funding and job creation from 2001-2008 at -10.4%. Now in two years, the alternative energy program: that you allowed: The Next Generation of Leaders under the leadership of Omar Dyer; has brought that number to a dead even. In two years, we have turned a negative into an even positive. Please note: it took 4 years to make those numbers go south: and in two years, those numbers reversed course (swiftly).

And residential, commercial construction and building installation for energy plans, such as (Solar Panels, Wind-turbines, and other resources on energy) have increased in New Jersey 3% and counting up. Which means 10s of thousands of jobs in the direction of alternative energy was created starting back from 2008—when Senator Obama gave the keys to us! And in terms of renewable energy, in all categories; we have from a negative direction of -15.6% to an increase of 2%. Now people will look at the numbers and say: it’s only a 2% increase or a dead even increase – yet look at how far behind the task has come to break even or even be in the position plus to have numbers that are up. It means lots of good jobs were created to turn a negative into a positive. And New Jersey for the first time in any memory we see a passion and increase for biofuels—where it’s at an all-time high of 2.3% increase in employment.

And to talk about transportation and recycling for a green economy! The numbers show a 2.9% increase in employment—plus funding to small businesses, which recycle, and produce energy. So Mr. President, what I am saying is: after we saw a congressional stab to the heart of the American Economy. We have been working round the clock, fixing and repairing the energy artery, from a near death critical condition to a stable and beating strong healthy condition. And despite some of the bans (municipal, Federal, and State) on compensation for public employees (Omar Dyer) we still have been working hard to bring sound policies. Like the newest improvement on pipe expansion for natural gas: where they will use polymer: which is metal mixed with plastic. This form of technology is used and produced by the best of the best – as it has now revamped an aging industry. To where FERC even says it’s the safest compound we have in the modern era. I do admit that there have been problems, yet it wasn’t with the overall plan. The problems came about: when you have new updated pipes – flowing into older noncurrent pipes. Meaning the entire system of pipes needs a change, and for the first time since the late 50s’ the manufacturing sector is ready to supply the industry for the needed change. Which means more jobs can be created with sound solutions and funding investments in Natural Gas?

Its ready, the voices of the people have been heard, strong polices have been created to protect consumers, and the general public. The polices are so complex that some of these businesses have be complaining about application. And get frustrated that they filled the process, done their part, plus the department is ready to fund them – then they get a block or a ban from a municipal assembly. Plus, Tea-Party congress (Leadership) on banning everything just so you don’t win the next election. While that municipal assembly places fear and doubt in the process—without even addressing the route of the problem. Using out dated information, twisting words or facts, to make an impression that the numbers are in their favors. Or using other problems that had nothing to do with the new regulations for alternative energy: like the human factor. Or municipal jurisdictions with this ban of natural gas!

Mr. President, I as an advocate have been working extremely hard since 2008. Nobody has said thank you, respected or even acknowledge the notion—the hard work that has been done in energy. Even when our funding options have been crawled back or even stopped completely with budget cuts, and attempts to abolish (me) without knowing the after effects of what these cuts, or terminations would do to the economy. We have still be working hard to benefit the people. The numbers don’t lie – the changes are and have shown, these polices are strong—as the implications for job creation are there; more companies are fiscally sound to handle the impact; plus the demand is there. We are just waiting for the supply in terms of funding for employment for the entire industry on transitioning our economy into a prosperous one. Mr. President Barack Obama – everyone wants to discredit your leadership, and I just want to say: Republicans (Tea-Party) and majority of those in the Republican field: never gave you or me a chance. They crafted a way to design a system of failure, and it’s unfair to those that are working extremely hard. And it’s unfair for municipal assemblies to inflict hard notices, to ban and prevent economic growth, when their counter parts have been working extremely hard in studying the issue, changing and tweeking the polices. To where everyone says: this is safe – this is the time, and moment to bring fundamental, economical change to the energy industry, and I ask: if not now – when. Because 20 years from today, these energy polices—will transform everything like Thomas Edison has done.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Banks are given to much

Omar Dyer
Letters’ Letter to the President:

Dear President,

This journey to help secure the economic standards in America after the crash and fall of Enron has been one of the most troubling achievements that have hampered George W. Bush’s presidency, and is now hampering your presidency. It hasn’t much to do with two un-paid for wars, or the notion that the debt of the nation is growing. Those are controllable problems, that aren’t easy to solve but very controllable from preventing a collapse in the system.

I know you read letters all the time; from experts, to people you trust, and members that volunteer or gave service to your campaigns. And I have written letters to previous presidents, governors and other members of government—giving great details on the future of economics. Even though I am not an expert with the greatest economic credentials, or a manager of a firm that has marketing skills in Washington to lobby for their companies interest! I am not the smartest tool on the block when it comes to finances. Yet, I learn and listen to those that are – and implemented the trail by error and experience clause into this letter.

Morgan Stanley, purchased stocks and assets from Bank of America, where Bank of America then turned around and sold those same assets in exchange for T.A.R.P. funds. After the American People bailed out Bank of America on mortgages – instead of helping their consumers, Bank of America used those assets to mark off that in the market exchange. Called a Mark-to-Market Accounting in order to write-off damaged assets!

What is Mark-to-Market Accounting?

It’s considered fair value accounting refers to accounting for the fair value of an asset or liability based on the current market price of the asset or liability, or for similar assets and liabilities, or based on another objectively assessed "fair" value. Fair value accounting has been a part of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in the United States since the early 1990s, and has been used increasingly since then.

Mark-to-market accounting can change values on the balance sheet frequently, as market conditions change. In contrast, historical cost accounting, based on the past transactions, is simpler, more stable, and easier to perform, but does not reflect current fair value at all. It summarizes past transactions instead. Mark-to-market accounting can become inaccurate if market prices change unpredictably. Buyers and sellers may claim a number of specific instances when this is the case, including inability to accurately collectively value the future income and expenses, often due to unreliable information, over-optimistic, and over-pessimistic expectations.
Now this is mostly done with private companies, but when they use public money to value assets that are not really marked off—place them into short-term financial troubles, which will require an endless bailout of these falling banks, until the cause of the mark off is litigated.

The problem is when the Federal Government passed on the federal level: Wall Street Reform – which is a reform of the New Deal. The government forgot to implement that all states must follow federal rules in state county, or municipal courts. And that Judges be educated on the changing terms of the federal system. And that isn’t the case on the state level. Many of these underlining problems have already been addressed on the federal level. And instead of banks going to the federal courts to make justifications – then go to the state courts where the rules are relaxed and unmonitored. Giving a Judge more power to influence the judgment – even though all questions have been answered.

The problems with our financial system are that we have too many bosses that have too many hidden rules, and have too many financial loopholes. Nobody was charged during Bush’s presidency because of the notion of assets being sold off wasn’t a crime, and it isn’t a crime. But to place burdens on consumers, that the government doesn’t place on the merchant whom purchased financial solutions from the government to exchange the same services – while having no risks in the underlining of bilateral contracts, only hampers business. President Barack Obama, people say you have no business experience – yet I have known you to be up to par on how business financing is run. And you must not or can’t allow mark-to-market accounting hamper the economics of consumers. Allowing four to five different companies to sell off their assets, while just to look good for the Standards and Poor’s rating system, or look good for the Down Jones – doesn’t really solve the problem of their assets being in trouble.

Solutions: Allowing small firms that have troubled assets to engage into the Tax Bond Credit System – which will cost $10 billion dollars to implement. And will grant a profit of $6 billion to the reserve over a 10 year period. Even though the government is losing out on $4 billion dollars in advancements for long term solutions – it will help heal wounds caused by this practice of mark-to-market accounting. And there should be sanctions on how many large firms can write off their cost, without really addressing the debt placed on their balance sheets.

Mr. President, if the government is going to allow this type of practice – then the mark off accounting must be separated from debtors, and debt collectors. Meaning, we need to get rid of these collection agencies. As noted in the law, if Bank of America wants to collect a debt from Joe Doe – then they should hire a law firm to litigate the damages. Not send the mark off to a collection agency, and then the collection agency (co-conspires) as both the client and the law firm, to negotiate damages. And those laws are already on the books at the federal level but haven’t been implemented throughout the states. Which is why our debt and jobless numbers continue to rise – why our disparity of the middle class and rich continues to get wider? And it’s the states that have to get up to speed with how the system is change. And debt is now personal property in which is protected by the 14th amendment. Mr. President, I can have a 7 hour discussion with you on the damages mark-to-market accounting has done to the system – and write a 210 paged book on the damages this system can do to future generations, but my time is limited. In this letter and my advice is to hold Banks more accountable for our financial problems and debt problems—and force them to fully display their intentions when working with consumers.

It’s the obligation of the states to create jobs, and enforce federal law – yet, many states have leaders that have pledged to ignore the federal rules and regulations. But it’s the president’s call if such a trouble-some economy is hampering the economic growth. We in this tough time don’t need more regulation – we need smart regulation, stuff that make sence.

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Paid For By: Coaches! 101 (PAC) PO Box 4463 Jersey City NJ 07304

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pledge to Rebuild America

7/17/2011: Omar Dyer

Renew our Pledge to Rebuild America

The pledge and voice for the single right to change has never disappeared in the eyes of the biggest Obama supporters. The change that the people needed on coming to Washington has stalled. And the voices that wanted and believes that the ear and era of former President George W. Bush hasn’t gone a-way. Meaning the Tea-Party Republicans, has no clue on balancing a stable economy, and wants to blame democrats for everything that is wrong, and nothing that is right. And after holding meetings outside of the Organizing for America network – many conservatives will have a large statement in saying the Stimulus didn’t work, and jobs weren’t created. Republican Candidates are preparing and gearing up to attack three fronts of your first term.

1: They want to repeal the Affordable Care Act: where they are making claims that the premiums would cost too much. And they want to repeal the Donut Hole, in the Medicare prescription plan. And they want to force, rape victims to attend IRS class on how to deduct a payment as a voucher for their health care. They want women and seniors to suffer with health care cost, while they train those whom chose to participate in loving the same sex counseling on how to be straight.

2: They want to attack the Stimulus Package and the Recovery Act. A few Republicans are confused on what the Stimulus Package was, and what the American Recovery Reinvestment Act was. The Stimulus Packages was to help state save jobs in the public sector – while the Recovery Act went to build America’s future with the infrastructure and shovel ready projects. Republicans want to tie hand on the stimulus and the recovery and state that these amendments didn’t work.

3: They want to make sure President Barack Obama doesn’t get a second term in office, and they want to be insubordinate, disrupt and dismantle the American economy so they can place the blame factor.

President Barack Obama – I know you read leaders to the president once a month. I know you have read my many letters to your administration – and I am grateful. The fight with Health Care, the Stimulus (Wall Street Reform) and the Recovery Act. This campaign should be about setting the record straight and working on Re-building the American Dream. Where we can finally put to an end of the policies that got us into this mess of a broken economy by placing an End to All of the Bush-era Tax Cuts: our constituents and local leaders are willing to give up the minute tax break that we all got under the Bush tax Cut in order for the wealthiest people of our nation to pay their fair share. End the Bush Tax cuts for the middle class as well and return all tax brackets to their Clinton-era rates. Place more effort into the Robin Hood Tax: Tax Wall Street Speculation – which imposed a tiny tax on every Wall Street trade. More like a Value Added Tax. Which will put an end to the practices of speculation on Wall Street – or insider trading, where people are betting for the economy to fall, so we can see Class war fare or the two society system? And we need to renew that pledge for public education – since the best green jobs and real jobs are going to need a balanced public education.

Make sure that our seniors have a right to retire when they want at the age currently on the books, and that Medicare and Medicaid go untouched. Making Social Security Solvent should be the number one priority of any democratic administration—while we must make sure that people that pay above the $100,000 threshold pay their fair share. These are just some of the pledges and meaning full contracts that will lead to an economic boom—like making sure we have equal pay for work. Since right now the disparity of the top 1% is drawn way out of control, and you have people in the bottom 85% fighting with the people holding the rest of the 98% of the wealth fighting to protect the people in the top 1% that don’t really need the break they get.

We need to shadow out the Bush Era problems in order to gain a stable economy, and you need to be on the front lines on why the three things I pointed out work. The Stimulus Package worked to save the states from lying off public workers, so we can make sure 14 year old kids don’t work in factories that require heavy duty work like they now do in some state (won’t mention them) but they removed the child labor laws. We need to make sure that those who retire can retire with respect, and that is what the stimulus package did. And you need to show and prove that the American Recovery Act worked, and how the same people crying about the money spent, where the same people with ribbon cutting ceremony thanking the Recovery Act.

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Paid For By: Coaches! 101 (PAC) PO Box 4463 Jersey City NJ 07304

Monday, June 27, 2011

Public Meeting on the Nations Debt

Letters’ Letter to the President:
Economic Concerns

The country is vetting for the future health in our ways of life – as noted in all news bulletins, our dysfunctional group of Republicans (Eric Cantor, John Boehner, and Paul Ryan) of the House of Representatives; don’t like to work. They feel that working out in the house gym, (Cantor and Ryan) plus having day caps in the house steam room, meeting with lobbyist to talk about doing nothing, only hurts the American people.

Mr. President of the United States (President Barack Obama) you will get letters from every congressional member from here on about not caving into the Republican, stalling – crashing, and mocking your leadership. They are using last hour practices, to squeeze away things that will place more harm on the economy. As if waiting for the final hour to make a deal that was already agreed to is a mockery on your leadership. I have read Senator Bennie Sanders’ letter to you, and signed the letter noting you should read it. The letter makes great points, that many of the Republicans (Credits, cuts, and generous give-a-aways) don’t have solid ways of paying for them, and would impact future deficits. Such as the extension on oil subsidies—or the loophole that allows carbon producing energy companies to be at a higher advantage, while ranking in enormous profits. A loophole that would save both them and the tax payer moneys over time, in deficit reduction, if it were gone!

While the income discrepancies between the middle class ranging from $17,000 to $50,000 (Low middle class) is finding it harder and harder to stay above the water. In a society of credit, and control – lots of people don’t trust the system to protect them from predators in lending and collecting. The country is shifting to a three job society and those with the least amount of a voice—seeks for an advocate to raise those concerns. Under congressman Paul Ryan’s plan—Medicare will be cut by $2.1 billion dollars – where it will eliminate everything we worked so hard to achieve. Paul Ryan’s plan doesn’t save Medicare—it kills it, and that’s to adding on what the Patient Affordable Care Act already mad cuts in Medicare which ranges to be around $2 billion.That’s $4 billion dollars not going to a program that was in good standing for the next 35 years. All of that is in jeopardy, and by 2017 – Medicare as we know it under these heavy cuts, will be completely gone. And not many of the baby-bombers and Generation X will have any care when they are in the retirement age. People are scared that the promise of retiring will not or no longer be there. And this attack on deficit reduction by the rights to in subornation -- is only a way of stalling and not getting to work on issues of helping the people of America. Mr. President Barack Obama – we the people askes or is looking for you not to allow this bunch of in subornate leaders in Washington to sit on the sidelines. And now it’s time to put those against the national debt on public record. You said, before any key decision – you will call for a national meeting, have members in opposition in the same room, expressing their ideas—as the meeting will be televised on C-span and all networks. (The Health Care Meeting of 2010) before the Affrodable Patient Care Act was passed. Maybe it’s time to have a National Deficit televised debate – so the people can actually see what these leaders are talking about.

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Paid For By: Coaches! 101 (PAC) PO Box 4463 Jersey City NJ 07304

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Housing Credits

Dear President Barack Obama:

At the end and beginning of each month – you have asked your supporters, to send you evaluations on how government is working. And it has been your leadership that has been the most transparent government in recent memory. The housing market is in need of a revival and life, and it’s because of this I am writing to you. The first time home buyers credit should be extended—since many of those who qualify for it, didn’t apply for the credit before it expired in 2010. Renewing the First time homebuyers’ credit will allow those whom never brought a home, a change to purchase an affordable house. One that meets their standards and it’s because of those based credits—your administration should work harder on combining the lesser of the two evils. Homeownership, and rental assistance – has been one of the levied problems congress, and state leaders have failed to act on. As of right know under the Tax Reform Act of 1986: the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit would expire in 2017 completely, and states have been slowly removing the program from the system.

What is the LIHC?

LIHTC; (often pronounced "lie-tech") is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit in the United States for affordable housing investments. It was created under the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA86) that gives incentives for the utilization of private equity in the development of affordable housing aimed at low-income Americans. LIHTC accounts for the majority of all affordable rental housing created in the United States today. The credits are also commonly called Section 42 credits in reference to the applicable section of the Internal Revenue Code. The tax credits are more attractive than tax deductions as they provide a dollar-for-dollar reduction in a taxpayer's federal income tax, whereas a tax deduction only provides a reduction in taxable income. The "passive loss rules" and similar tax changes made by TRA86 greatly reduced the value of tax credits and deductions to individual taxpayers. As a result, almost all investors in LIHTC projects are corporations.

And by allowing the private sector to be able to get TEBs which are Tax Exempt Bonds; so those whom wish to engage in working with the internal revenue system on bonding out funds needed to purchase property, or control their adjustable rates on their rent in subsidized programs under the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

As of right now, (S) corporations and other small business don’t qualify for some of these bonds under the Internal Revenue Service. And allowing sole trading companies – who are the economic engine of this country, a chance to invest into their base – by using their tax base in which they filed for a profit or lose sheet; so they can expand. Helps some businesses that are having troubles, or troubled assets that the top five banks in the world reject to offer anything – will allow them to bond out those properties and invest into their tax base. Meaning, if you own an online business, and you want to expand your business to be a brick and mortar establishment—you can have that chance to use your profit and lose sheets to purchase into a pre-paid bonded credit or deduction.

This program does cost the tax-payer money to fuse the program. It does require patients as the return benefits would bring in an estimated revenue. And that’s the honest opinion on the program—since banks are not helping the burden on keeping business—first time homebuyers, and entrepreneurs in their establishments—or help them build an establishment. It helps those that are going through a local government made revaluation the need and change to finally have that upgrade. It will cost the American Economy more than $33 billion dollars to implement such a program, yet over time—the government would make $34.4 billion. And this program isn’t something new – it’s already in the system, which is subjected to be dissolution because the money wasn’t allocated there.

State and local governments are not educated enough on the roles and rules of TEBs and most (S) Corporations would need their annual budgets, or tax liabilities approved by their local municipality. As the local municipality are condensing services – those whom are educated enough to understand what the roles of this program actually do – are not sitting in the office they once held.

So by creating a public to private partnership saves the tax-payer the burden of cost, by shifting the burden to interested entrepreneurs—while using their tax base to stay in business, keep a roof over their head, or expand from a mobile service to a brick and mortar service. That’s what the American Dream means, which will help street vendors and other entrepreneurs a valid shot at expanding their dreams and base with innovation and American engineering.

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Paid For By: Coaches! 101 (PAC) PO Box 4463 Jersey City NJ 07304

Friday, May 13, 2011

National Debt

Dear President Barack Obama

In a couple of congressional session and on the House Budget committee – they are at battle over raising or not raising the Debt Ceiling. And the Republicans are using this method as a make shift agenda to break or make your candidacy, and shape the 2012 election cycle. And people may say this isn’t political; yet in this modern day era of social media, plus the blog-a-sphere; everything is political. Just like my update letters – which comes via email or through social media; will not be political?

The bickering and using the people’s credit reports known as the National Debt, to justify whether it is needed to spend on innovation or levy painful cuts on those who can least afford to speak for themselves. And raise taxes on the upper 1% in order to repay the penalty fee of defaulting on our debt. And me I am open—a very progressive conservative, whom would like to raise taxes on the 1% of the country, but not at the expense of the fiscal health of the overall credit of the country.

And by following the broken ideology and voodoo economics displayed by John Boehner and Paul Ryan—where they make an appearance that something is being cut—when nothing really is; will be a budget gimmick played on the international exchange. Yes, the country has a lot of debt—but that doesn’t mean—we go into default to rein in the amount of spending one country should entertain. Leaders are showing and citing the Ful Faith Credit Act as a means to discontinue the obligations to protect and serve the citizens of America.

Yet the theory of 13% of the regulatory spending or mandated spending concerns once we reach $14.1 billion – where there’s a theory that it wouldn’t impact government. Which is crazy, because these numbers aren’t just low income families—they are real people? Every densely educated citizens of our society! And making it harder for a person who spent 12 years in education after High School (mandatory education) and where they gained a doctors or doctorate degree, to the social service line, to apply for jobs that are beneath their requirements—not only embarrasses them, but embarrasses the system. Under this agenda and idea – 75,000 well educated people will be tremendously affected by the Republican attack. Why would Wal-Mart or other places with the caliber for Wal-Mart hire someone with these credentials in education?

And the single supplier of highly educated citizens in America is Government. And key government jobs—the ones that are being targeted because of pay scale and rates on paper—is the only jobs that higher people whom have dedicated themselves to education. Jobs that include teachers, and the education industry—whether they are privately own; or public placing companies; that depend on social assistance levied as a deduction or credit. Yet, the idea of crashing the base that is the most educated because of the notion we are looking at something on a paper rather than the value of the mind—only shows our own greed and diligent will plumb our fatality.

And the implication of just ending wars, or stop paying for non-congressional spending, is picking and choosing which and what everyday law abiding citizen, get that chance of the American Dream. We shouldn’t be in the business of choosing who we want to be rich—or whom we like to stay poor. We shouldn’t be in the business of turn the doors on those that can leash speak from themselves. America is the home of the brave—brings those that burn to be free, with a passion to have skill for trade, and we can have a prosperous life of liberty.

I am not writing this letter to throw numbers at you – whereas you already have the numbers. I am writing this letter to state to you, the theory held by the Republicans is a straight attack and waterloo on your presidency, and use this as a marketing tool for their re-election campaign. While harming the educated members of the society—the people that put you in office. They first went after the poor—we fought back. Second they went after small business, and we fought back; as they then went after women’s health. We all fought back, and are still fighting those battles with Women’s health Care. Now they are attacking the educated few—in order to create class-ware fare. And create a society of have knots, and haves—since it will make and break a feud a major problem. We have highly educated people in this country that will fall into a society of have knots. We need to avoid this at any means needed, and necessary.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

OFA wants the People's Champ

This letter is to President Barack Obama, saying the people want their champion back. You campaigned in 2008 as the leader of the people's champ. And you asked your sub-leaders, and followers to challenge you on wrong choices. And after we worked hard to pass *Patient Affordable Care Act;* we the people want our champion back. These cuts, are what we fought against, and what we said we as a group wouldn't do. Dear President -- we need to move our country forward not backwards, and we need to fight these insane cuts, on social programs.

In this time of need the dramatic cuts to our liberties and way of life have been taken as a war on personal health; as the base currently occupied by the Tea-Party / Republican Party, has been on a recent tear to defund everything. And they want to monitor and control everything from the moment you were born, to the moment you die. Which means opening the doors to Identity thief – unpaid taxing liens to business that have dual partnerships on mortgages, and upper level property abatements? It means that if you buy a condo from a dealer and have more than 3 people living in that condo—under the republican plan, you will not get a tax cut for the amount of moneys you spent.

That means if you live in a two family home, and the second resident has a home based business – they will not be able to remove that lien because they are owed more money from the government which resulted in overpaying of taxes. (What is being said here is that for the same address – with two different Families in a dual partnership – both can pay and over pay on taxes, and if they have overpaid; neither of them will get a tax return; after paying the government three time?) Currently right now there are people fighting litigation that states, and has proof, with all the legal documents—which shows, the government owes them money.

We don’t have an uncontrolled spending problem in this great nation of ours – yet, we have political pollutants to the complexes of society in this nation. A nation that likes to abuse senior citizens, and youth education – as a means to make claims on spending! For far too long we have used the terrene of the poor, the elders, and the young to benefit our pledge rich donors.

I am mad at President Barack Obama, for making these dramatic cuts – cuts that may increase or place that bubble on the Donut Hole that we as citizens of this country worked too hard on achieving. The Patient Affordable Care Act – was meant to help, those that can’t speak for themselves, and what we are seeing is four people—lying to the public, on the resources of Social Security. Using the false implications on a budget, and the national implications of a budget--to place gamesmanship in politics, with the will of the people!

This maneuvering to outdo the other isn’t what we as campaign organizers have signed up for when we gave that pledge to change how Washington works. Right now the bureaucrat in Washington isn’t the lobbyist—it’s the elected leaders with agendas, to embarrass the people, and those that are for free liberties and social enterprises. In this country, we value labor, and the mimicking of what the founding factors of labor—health and wealth is about, shouldn’t be used as a gamer in politics. Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, and now John Boehner – doesn’t need to run down on Social Security – since they are millionaires, and don’t have to pay into the system, because they are elected public servants.

I am tired I say: I am tired of being brought by the gamesmanship in politics.

Our culture has placed a need into the future by sharing the burdens, and reaping what you sow if we are sowing a decaying society – where the poor are neglected, and the youth is disrespected, as seniors start to look at benefits being cut; then we groom poverty.

This party of do nothings wants to groom a society of people in poverty – with a culture of those that feel they are above the status quo. Yes, the status quo has comeback—as the entitled process is no longer social programs, or social funding—the entitlement process; is our political pollutants in public office. Should we have a term limit mandate for members in congress, and should we do the same for those in the senate. As of right now the Senate has no limits on terms, and a 6 year ordeal. Where legislators can sit on a seat and control that set for their entire life time. And even if the elections are fair and balanced – the influence of an incumbent to get loan donations, and raise money faster than a challenger is why we have more 4 term leaders instead of two or three terms.

I am tired I say, and I am tired of being brought by the gamesmanship of politics.

The Republican Party, lead by John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, and Paul Ryan – are now above the threshold for being millionaires, and that’s not because they were private workers—which is because they built something off the public dime. They make more just campaigning on politics, than they would if they were to just legislate.

So making life miserable for those that can’t afford to live in an upper gated community – while making life for those in the upper gated community more relaxed and comfortable – isn’t and wasn’t the intentions of our founding fathers. Our founding fathers didn’t instill a society of have and have knots – and the same lord in whom we trust our moneys with, wouldn’t allow a nation to force poverty onto its people.

That’s why we rallied for our protective rights, a right that says – no taxation without adequate representation. And the meaning of that is how are you going to force my life, and force fees, and mandates on me without the basic representation of the people. How are you going to enforce a two society system, without the basic representation of the people! When we as a country fought that war to give us our independence from a system—forcing a two society role? As indentured servants, were now looking to be represented when a tariff or a new tax was forced on the people. And this new wave of *Tea-Party* Republicans – have lost their minds on the fabrics of the Articles of Confederation.

I stand with the people and many of them are tired of the cries that come from leaders in Washington that America is broke. And that we need to not look at the faces of the numbers we project, but the thing pockets of what goes into the campaign war chest – so the leaders elected to service, good nor bad; can stay in office.

As we speak the Dow Jones is at 13,000 points – which is up from 8,000 point drop after the financial meltdown. That means we had a 5,000 point increase in 25 months after repairing the system. Where we have seen 6 million jobs lost once and after the financial meltdown happened, and during that time of provisions, and laws – which regulate and help the basic needs of people and business; our fight has seen an increase in job growth with 3 million in job creation, and an expected 2 million more. And these have nothing to do with polices written by the Tea-Party and the Republican Party, since President Barack Obama hasn’t signed any new public laws.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

President Obama must lead the Unions

Dear President:

The country is in a shift and move for ideas that have been championed and won over the last 40 years. As the centric Republican Base – don’t have a single clue on job creation, work performance, and how to groom a health economy. And I am writing this letter to you with the broader implications of action. Mr. President Obama's Policies are paying back, what former George W. Bush took. And he is doing it faster than Bill Clinton, since a majority of them are fractions of former President Clinton's polices -- it was just a tough economy, than Former President Clinton had to encounter. Mr. President Obama, you made a great choice in bailing out General Motors—when the team of (NO) lied to the people about government taking over GM. Not only did government not take over GM – yet it saved them from extinction. Where to now GM has paid back it obligations, and gave its lower level workers the raises they need so survive in a tough economy.

Mr. President Obama; you made the choice to bailout J.P. Morgan Chase, Citi-Group, Goldman Sachs, and the financial industry. And everyone of the companies your policies have bailed out has done in most cases – what you have asked. In case with Chase bank; they have employed and brought growth to Chase bank. Yet, even though the growth was from within – they managed to pay the tax-payer's back. Your polices gave some trust to Citi-group, which was one of the managers caught in the A.I.G. mess. By helping out Citi-Group, and breaking them up and apart from A.I.G. – they were allowed to retool themselves, and expand their banking business. Not what the government asked them to do—put they have paid most of the money owed back. You also made a choice to bail out: Goldman Sachs – not only has Goldman Sachs done everything that President Obama has asked for, but they have done it right—with the Ten thousand small business teaming and partnership. Goldman Sachs was the first company to completely repay the tax-payer's back, and employing or helping the employment of over 1 million people to the private sector.

People are giving you the short end of the stick, and saying how your vibe passion and polices haven’t helped the economy –maybe they are blind or confused to either listen or know the facts. Every company that you have granted help, and those that have gotten the help—has paid the tax-payer back.

Unlike your predecessor: Former President George W. Bush: Under T.A.R.P. in which he signed into law—yet the first round of the moneys in T.A.R.P. which was Trouble Assets Relief Program—he rescued A.I.G. (twice) Lehman Brothers, a few foreign banks, on American soil – CTI Bank, and small financial institutions – where none of them have paid back the Tax-Payer. Lehman Brothers is no longer in business –even though the executive changed offices with the same duties, as he went from CEO to CFO. A.I.G. has no intentions of paying the government pack, and to force A.I.G. to pay the government back will take $6 trillion dollars more to unwind the packages with Fannie and Freddie. Since it was A.I.G. that placed those good mortgages in the same plate with high risk loan swaps.

I understand the lost that A.I.G has plumbed on our system, and allowing them to find a way back is the best thing to do—yet to watch them would be even better.

My problem is Mr. President Barack Obama; you are being unfairly blamed for this economy, even though many of those that were affected in terms of debt on the national level—didn’t happen under your watch. And many in the Republican Party are filling fits about a national debt that is getting paid back. Nothing happens over night—you can’t pay down a debt in 6 months. Yet, you can break a budget in one week, or maybe two months. And what we have seen in the Bush Policies – were the notion that his polices where mandates that wasn’t paid for. And if you factor out former President G.W. Bush’s $4 trillion added to the debt from the $14 trillion on record, and balance your polices to the $3 trillion spent, plus the $2.3 trillion returned, your policies would pay down what you borrowed from the Tax-Payers by 2015. Which means, the debt that Former presidents like: Reagan, Bush (41) and Bush (43) and practically Bill Clinton—by the time you leave office, and let’s say you’re reelected for a second term – you would have paid down both what you borrowed from the tax-payer, and what Bush (43) borrowed from the tax-payer. Which means you cleaned up George W. Bush’s mess – is that fair to blame someone for clean up someone else mess. And take full blame for it, yes it’s your economy, and yes the debt is high – yes, Mr. President you own it; yes it your choice, not obligation to pay for it. And you have done that with smart policies.

Yet, we know you are working hard on the economy, and the republican base is gearing up for a fight. They are taking away the same things Americans over the years have fought so hard for. And they are dead serious about this too – with the move on unions, and low income workers. With all the millionaires we have in this country, why should citizens lose their living standards before someone jumps in to help. And the leadership in Texas should be an embarrassment to the process of government on the republican side. Even those in the budget committee – are holding Americans hostage for political gain. While blaming you Mr. President for the polices that leaders placed.

You are the leader of the country, and right know our Unions need your voice, right now the low income worker needs your spirit – right now those who choose to have a union would need you to lead in the front lines on these issues. And practice your oath, since doing so won’t make it politically right – it makes it the right choice because it will be the right thing to do.

Dr. Omar Dyer
PO Box 4463
Jersey City NJ 07304

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Open Letter to Senators

This document is approved by Omar Dyer, it’s a legal public document, and is authorized by the state of New Jersey’s Notary and Treasury Department. New Jersey's Notary Public Commission 2/02/2009 end commission 2/02/2014 I.D. NO. 2381929 201-984-5225.

Dear Senators Joe Manchin, Claire McCaskill and Jon Tester:

Our battle with Health Care, (Affordable Patient Care act of 2010) needs a united approach, and the party we fight for need a level of hope. It has been incumbent on these stringent measures where the levels of concerns, grant me to write this letter to you today. And because of the great lengths of technology left solitude of grate improvements, on how leaders, experts, citizens, and elected representative interact with their constituents. The vow to remove the individual mandate in Affordable Patient Care Act – charged by the republican base, and Tea-Party gender goes without merit. This mandate helps seniors who are facing sky rocket prices that were given to them under Universal Health Care: signed into law by Former president George W. Bush; placed a heavy burden on seniors who income is below the $75,000 range. The plan that included Medicare Prescription drugs part (D), where they gave a catholic plan – left seniors whom aren’t wealthy enough to foot the bill. Over the last 8 years – it resulted in lawsuits that ranged up to $4.1 trillion dollars.

This problem that deals with the drug prescription companies – where there’s a mandate that required every senior citizen to buy prescription drugs! Which created a loop in the system called the Dough Nut Hole. That problem resorted in millions of Americans to file lawsuits on malpractice. Removing the mandate for the Affordable Patient Care Act would force or give judges the right to overturn, cases that have been won by the people – thus violating their 11th amendment rights. It would transcend the gap between those that are poor, and those that are rich, when it comes to those who are at the retirement age. This mandate helps, seniors who can’t afford health care get the care that they need. It allows those that are under the retirement age gab to be capped in the system. And removing this mandate will leave them victims to the insurance companies – when their premiums jump through the roof in 2014: when the age gap and baby boomers reach that road. Now social security is in fact intact – yet, without Total Corporation from every individual – the future generation in 35 years won’t have these. And it’s not fair to have them pay for seniors now – without having a cushion in the future. My question is: Why should a healthy Omar Dyer have to pay through the taxes on social security – for Senator Mitch McConnell to have a better life; raid the system, and leave me out of retirement care.

Life is worth the battle, and saying that my future health in this great country is unconstitutional is classism – radical, and discrimination on parts of the amendments you swore to protect. Now every law written in the foundation of this country has a resulted effect on the citizens of the future. The Affordable Patient Care act isn’t the best, since there isn’t a single payer system. It allows parts of the bill to be marketable, like companies being allowed to 1099 their insurance cost. It allows competition for business to travel across state lines, and helps small business to open shop in the industry – where it has a dividend to save families $3,000 per year on overrun cost. And it allow middle class families to finally be capped into the system where they don’t have to worry about which bill to harm, the mortgage on the house, or my personal health. What is unconstitutional is to allow, those that are 30-55 be discriminated on because of age, income, and health? Discrimination can take many shapes and forms – laws are created to adjust to the times, and this is why we need this law. You can fix the law, but removing it would be detrimental to everyone, plus it would cost more to undo, then it would to just improve.

I am Omar Dyer: Small Business owner: health Care advocate: and an Appointed member of the DNC (09915790).

Omar Dyer
Notary Public
Masters in legal Studies
Bachelors in Technical Communications
Associates in Child Development
Associates in Children’s literature
PO Box 4463
Jersey City NJ

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Health Care

Dear President Barack Obama:

Our fight with health care isn’t over, and with the lust to create jobs – plus the push to find alternative solutions to energy. After the historic year battle, of heath care rallies, and debates – two years later we find ourselves back at the battle table. We find ourselves with looking at insurance companies deliberately lying to refuse coverage to those that aren’t insured. We find that this country is still discriminating on citizens based on income – as we now see that the judicial branch at the state level is over stepping boundaries, saying a judge in the state of New Hampshire has more power than a senator – or even a president.

When the State superior court judge, ruled on the mandate to make claims about amendments in the Health Care plan as a detriment to the constitution – brought things that are not soundly true. Recently, at the hill a company based in New Jersey called Perfect Printing complained to Congress – being baby fed and white handkerchief or spoon fed questions that leaned to a waterloo on health care. Yet, in their own answer, they made general conclusion that if they would have either hired a health care advisor, or applied to the correct departments of financing, they would fully qualify and receive the needed criteria to help them. It was their own refusal, and lack of education on the package that makes them less likely to afford health care coverage – not the rules in the law. And in fact the rules in the law made it easier, if they would have consulted with a health care specialist.
I can say, as someone who monitors that amendment – someone who fought hard for this bill—these attacks mounted by the Republicans, is an attempt to stall any positive growth you had for this country. Senator Mitch McConnell doesn’t want to create jobs, or lower the national debt. Mitch McConnell wants to end Social Security – it was his pledge when he first walked into office, and it probably will be his fight, until he is out of the senate. We can’t allow one senator’s personal vendetta on Social Security define what the entire nation needs.

Mr. President: it’s been a long time since I wrote a letter to you – and when it comes to defend the nations on the problems we face with health care: I am here for the fight. As a member of the organization we built together when you were a senator, that fight for health was there, and as a member fighting the good fight for all – we can’t put up a sign that says mission complete. There’s more work to do, the job has to be finished, and I signed the petition to rally for health care, signed the petition to place it in the books; and signed the petition to fight against the repeal. Now I am writing to you, on the notion that Mitch McConnell’s personal battles with Social Security shouldn’t be placed on the backs of the tax payer. Removing the Donut hole was a great tool to lower premiums come 2012. Making sure babies that have pre-existing conditions, get the coverage they need – without being discriminated on. Helping the poor who can’t afford coverage, get coverage; allowing those that would have been capped out – to finally be capped in; while allowing people whose labor is more important to the country than the job they work, get the coverage in health care they need. By allowing small business to get 33% off the cost, if they cover their workers! We need to fight harder for health care, keep the dream alive; fight the issue on jobs, and redefine the taxing code-- so that it helps entrepreneurs advance and not depress under economical situations. A taxing code that is simple, and don’t have to focus so much on municipal approval – in a way it rules out corruption due to negligence, and saves money on the budget. Our fiscal problems are because of negligence in the taxing code, where transparency isn’t as inclusive to where it should be.

Thank You
President Barack Obama

Thanks for reading this letter

Dr. Omar Dyer
New Jersey