Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Letters' letters to The President

Dear President Barack Obama,

As we continue to implement America's resolve -- we are now faced with an unworkable congress. John Beohner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell are doing what ever it takes, to undermine any progress in your presidency. They honestly Believe in some short imaginary stand, that the general public stands on their side. When more or less in theory rather than skewed poll numbers -- more than 85% of the general public disapproves on how the republican lead congress approach domestic and international issues. The point the fingers -- bait, run and do the opposite strategy just doesn't work; in any political climate. One the public is more engaged within the political atmosphere. They're more updated on critical issues, and more informed ever than before in any presidential term. You promised a transparent and inclusive government; for where every voice can be heard. Republicans vowed that you're showing a sign of weakness; yet studies show otherwise. You've maintained an open door policy for elected leaders can enter the discussion and have a foot at the table. Republicans; walked out of meetings, held private meetings; passed only one resolution -- while pointing fingers and chastising  every move made by you the president.

Case in point: Many republicans were upset mad and went on tirades due to the notion; the executive branch didn't inform them about boarder control operations; then labeled that project unconstitutional due to Fast and Furious. They tried to make a scandal out of that for the simple notion on undermining the oath of the presidency during your term as president.

Moreover, For many months since the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; known as Obamacare -- the republican leadership has been undermining the office of the president. With them passing over and over again meaningless repeal amendments to defund ACA. They've taken it to the highest courts in the nation (Supreme Courts); as it stood strong. They've placed it on the ballot in 2/3 of the nation's so called red and swing states,  thinking the media's resolve, will give them enough talk to create a referendum on this legislation. That movement lost during the 2012 election cycle. They've passed a budget that includes the implementation of Obamacare -- just so they can do exactly what they're doing; create a mockery of the system, undermine the executive branch. And prolong the pain and suffering on the nation's poorest, by trying to not fund it.

Continuing notions; America finally took a stand, as three presidential cycles went by before America's worst terrorist known was captured and killed. Osama Bin-Ladden, was killed during your presidency. And again members in congress wanted to implement impeachment processes based on the notion; that the president didn't ask for congressional approval. This not only makes a mockery out of democracy, but it undermines presidential policy.  Since it's based in America's constitutional amendments; The War Power Act, gives a president the deciding factor on the implement of a war. They've been ranting and raving about leading from behind. This make assumptions that an American Foreign policy is as weak as noted.

The miscommunications in the event of Benghazi. Never in the history of this country has an entire administration undermined by an act of terror. As if there was some sort of Watergate infatuation. Things happen, a president should have the power to with hold information in regards to the national security interest of America. Yet, the republican party has been on a mission of undermining the oval office. They're doing it in such away; that they want to stick it to you, your presidency; plus everything you as a person stands for and it's not right.

Finally, after months of debating pressure by Marko Rubio; the distinguished gentleman senator from Florida -- broke headlines as the leading senator asking for American involvement in Syria. When zero ounce of evidence at the time presented American interest. Then this same senator has backed away from his statements after a chemical attack on the citizens of Syria was orchestrated by their president. And now we are on the verge of delaying a strike on Syria, which again makes America looks weak, since congress, fails to work.  Mr. President Barack Obama; your choice to suppress any encouragement that will promote the use of chemical weapons is and should always be the choice of The President. The oval office should never be undermined, no matter who is the party leader or person who been elected or appointed commander in chief.

Mr. President Barack Obama, in the case of Health Care reform; your administration followed governmental protocols, getting public input; addressing legislative initiatives from congressional oversight. Passing a bipartisan public law; whom 2/3s of the  county approved until the misleading and undermining started to create this notion on undermining you as president, or you in the oval office. Obamacare, passed through the House of representatives, also Obamacare passed through the senate -- was confirmed by the Supreme Courts; and to seal the authentic agenda; it was placed on a ballot in selected 2/3 of the country. And only 1% voted to remove ObamaCare. 

That's merely 43 representatives in the House of Representatives, and 4 senators in the senate; was able to carry a notion on repealing Obamacare. To make it simple out of 50 states where 17 of them was selected -- less than 1% of the selected 17 states voted to remove Health Care Reform. Yes, 2 states, with 3 states that have representatives voted on replacing Obamacare. Which means, the republican referendum failed: the republican legal challenges failed, and the obstruction in congress failed. Now is the time for them to stop wasting the public's time. Now is the time for them in the republican party to stop trying to undermine the president, and the oval office.

Maybe you as president should centure John Beohner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell on the notion of undermining the President of The United States. Using Legislative protocol as and presidential orders, or executive orders on these subordinate republicans. President Obama, the use of Executive Orders, have been done before; more in part by former President George W. Bush; president 43. Even Former President William Clinton; president 42, use this power to preside over a subordinate congress. While president 43, just used this because of the notion of terror, and terrorist attacks. We are in peace time, yet that doesn't mean congress should have any right to undermine the president of The United States.

We need to move this country forward --  move it forward in cultural values, forward in political agendas; forward on domestic economic liabilities. And move forward as a nation a united front; we need to move forward on in order for us to keep our domestic santity. Since we preach democracy, what's notion on promoting a free domestic society based on rules and regulations, if our bodies of government are insubordinate towards the Commander In Chief. 

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