Saturday, September 21, 2013

No more

Letters' letters to The President

Dear President Barack Obama

This country has always been a country that has taken care of the sick, poor, and those wanting to be free. The growth of this nation has always trumped poverty. The country is working its way out of the worst recession this generation has seen. And not since the great depression have we've seen; a class of people completely gone. In 2006, an underground problem reached its surface as seen in the minority communities since 1988 -- when making less than $20,000 a year was at the levels of poverty. During President Bill Clinton's years in office; economic levels increased. Since those who were poor; were giving more opportunities to achieve an affordable standards of living. Where the balance with public employment was either above or on par with private employment? We as a united country; always came together.

During the 2008, the financial crisis showed the country one thing. The major lesson that was learn; had to be the notion, that nobody is immune to poverty. We've seen billionaires become poor due to a crash in the market. We've seen grandparents lose their entire 401k packages on risky bets by billionaire brokers; who also lost profits. An auto industry on the brink, and a banking industry; dangling off a cliff. We came together as a union, to pick each other up; dust each other off and ride the wave in unity.  

Even though, the economy is growing; there are still people being pulled up out of the water from the Tsunami left upon us before the bailout on Wall Street. This country has never turn its backs on the sick, never turned its back on the poor--as it definitely never closed its door on those wanting to be free. The United States of America, had a resolve that defined this great nation; as the model symbol for a democratic union.

The United States of America, and members of the elected never bus the sick and the poor in front of a moving locomotive. On 09/19/2013; our republican representative made a party-line vote, where 17 members of their party disagreed with the notion of throwing the poor, the sick, and those wanting to be free out. Congress passed a 10 year, $40 billion dollar budget cut to the nation’s poorest, weakest citizens.

These severe cuts would cripple the poor; leaving 4 million families penniless. They'll have no food or clothing; unable to afford, rents or have a sustained standard of living. And around 2.1 million children without any assistance from the government. We've come so far as a country to segregate the lives of people based on economics; and socio-economic domain. People who are poor, don't abuse the system -- they're poor. Being poor isn't a means for a government handout, it means you're poor. We can't go back to the days in 1985, where children, and parents were skipping school; to patrol sanitation sites to probe for food, or at the back alley ways of restaurants, mingling the trash for throw away leftovers. We aren't a third world country, where the super-rich holds the country’s wealth; and the poor gets nothing at all.

And politics as we see it, is at a point of foolishness; as our elected leadership has not one ounce of electoral or governmental leadership. Cutting public assistance will kill, crush and deplete some working class families. Those families making $7.15 an hour, living in some of the poorest condition; with the notion of affordable house up for debate. They see an unwilling world, as inflation makes market value a little too bit of a pipe dream for them. In a market, that's looking at a high school graduate struggling to make ends meet. Their kitchen table isn't in a home, rather in an apartment complex.

Eric Cantor, John Boehner, and the leadership in the House of Representatives are over stepping the powers and responsibilities of the house. The House of Representatives, are the lower branch of government, it’s not above and beyond the president or the white house. It’s time for the in subornation in a dysfunctional congress to end. 

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