Monday, September 30, 2013

Stand strong

Letters' To The President

Dear Mr. President Barack Obama,

The nations' debt crisis shouldn't be a tool for political grandstanding. Republican leadership in the House of Representatives should be labeled as a disgrace in GOP leadership. A country that has embedded the principles embodied from the French-- written in American Language as a banner to see; should never be a tool for debt reduction.

Like, honoring and paying for our troops; salaries and medical benefits. Going to war to police the world has always been a proud job garnished by the United States. There's always been a plan to pay for our military services; since they give up their daily lives to protect ours. Until now, with this insane; non-governmental, lack of leadership qualities and focus camping from the republican controlled House of Representatives.

We have a party running amuck; and mocking our just system. Like, quoting the constitution, without just cause in knowing the country's written text and definition of the constitution. That's why we need a unilateral approach on addressing the nation's debt. We can't just cut taxes for the rich; bury the poor, leave our struggling families -- cold and hungry. That's not what the United States of America; was ever about. This country was more people and nations coming together in unity; to endure this countries resolve. A resolve that includes a slogan of bring your weak, your poor yearning to be free.

Free from the deception and control from an unwilling monarchy. Where tariffs hold the poor hostage; with ever increasing fees that weren't taxes; in order to make the struggling poor people's lives miserable. Free from a society were economics creates the social domain people live. Free from government genocide or laws that create a communist culture.

America is the land of the free, with laws and regulations that protect the type of freedoms sort for in a state of a democratic union.  We can't promote a union of democracy, while legislating a system of perks and privileges.

The GOP banter is to shut down the government, and this type of shut down will damage more families than ever before. The federal government won't be able to make obligated payments; such as funding for the poor. It won't be able to make governmental ends meet.

And most importantly, families and their lives will impacted. As federal contractors won't get paid for working on public project. People on Social Security Insurances won't be able to receive their benefits. And public companies, such as teachers, fire fighters; police, state and municipal workers will be working for free.

That's why we need to end this type of insanity folded in a weak congress. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Letters' letters to The President

Dear President Barack Obama,

As we continue to implement America's resolve -- we are now faced with an unworkable congress. John Beohner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell are doing what ever it takes, to undermine any progress in your presidency. They honestly Believe in some short imaginary stand, that the general public stands on their side. When more or less in theory rather than skewed poll numbers -- more than 85% of the general public disapproves on how the republican lead congress approach domestic and international issues. The point the fingers -- bait, run and do the opposite strategy just doesn't work; in any political climate. One the public is more engaged within the political atmosphere. They're more updated on critical issues, and more informed ever than before in any presidential term. You promised a transparent and inclusive government; for where every voice can be heard. Republicans vowed that you're showing a sign of weakness; yet studies show otherwise. You've maintained an open door policy for elected leaders can enter the discussion and have a foot at the table. Republicans; walked out of meetings, held private meetings; passed only one resolution -- while pointing fingers and chastising  every move made by you the president.

Case in point: Many republicans were upset mad and went on tirades due to the notion; the executive branch didn't inform them about boarder control operations; then labeled that project unconstitutional due to Fast and Furious. They tried to make a scandal out of that for the simple notion on undermining the oath of the presidency during your term as president.

Moreover, For many months since the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; known as Obamacare -- the republican leadership has been undermining the office of the president. With them passing over and over again meaningless repeal amendments to defund ACA. They've taken it to the highest courts in the nation (Supreme Courts); as it stood strong. They've placed it on the ballot in 2/3 of the nation's so called red and swing states,  thinking the media's resolve, will give them enough talk to create a referendum on this legislation. That movement lost during the 2012 election cycle. They've passed a budget that includes the implementation of Obamacare -- just so they can do exactly what they're doing; create a mockery of the system, undermine the executive branch. And prolong the pain and suffering on the nation's poorest, by trying to not fund it.

Continuing notions; America finally took a stand, as three presidential cycles went by before America's worst terrorist known was captured and killed. Osama Bin-Ladden, was killed during your presidency. And again members in congress wanted to implement impeachment processes based on the notion; that the president didn't ask for congressional approval. This not only makes a mockery out of democracy, but it undermines presidential policy.  Since it's based in America's constitutional amendments; The War Power Act, gives a president the deciding factor on the implement of a war. They've been ranting and raving about leading from behind. This make assumptions that an American Foreign policy is as weak as noted.

The miscommunications in the event of Benghazi. Never in the history of this country has an entire administration undermined by an act of terror. As if there was some sort of Watergate infatuation. Things happen, a president should have the power to with hold information in regards to the national security interest of America. Yet, the republican party has been on a mission of undermining the oval office. They're doing it in such away; that they want to stick it to you, your presidency; plus everything you as a person stands for and it's not right.

Finally, after months of debating pressure by Marko Rubio; the distinguished gentleman senator from Florida -- broke headlines as the leading senator asking for American involvement in Syria. When zero ounce of evidence at the time presented American interest. Then this same senator has backed away from his statements after a chemical attack on the citizens of Syria was orchestrated by their president. And now we are on the verge of delaying a strike on Syria, which again makes America looks weak, since congress, fails to work.  Mr. President Barack Obama; your choice to suppress any encouragement that will promote the use of chemical weapons is and should always be the choice of The President. The oval office should never be undermined, no matter who is the party leader or person who been elected or appointed commander in chief.

Mr. President Barack Obama, in the case of Health Care reform; your administration followed governmental protocols, getting public input; addressing legislative initiatives from congressional oversight. Passing a bipartisan public law; whom 2/3s of the  county approved until the misleading and undermining started to create this notion on undermining you as president, or you in the oval office. Obamacare, passed through the House of representatives, also Obamacare passed through the senate -- was confirmed by the Supreme Courts; and to seal the authentic agenda; it was placed on a ballot in selected 2/3 of the country. And only 1% voted to remove ObamaCare. 

That's merely 43 representatives in the House of Representatives, and 4 senators in the senate; was able to carry a notion on repealing Obamacare. To make it simple out of 50 states where 17 of them was selected -- less than 1% of the selected 17 states voted to remove Health Care Reform. Yes, 2 states, with 3 states that have representatives voted on replacing Obamacare. Which means, the republican referendum failed: the republican legal challenges failed, and the obstruction in congress failed. Now is the time for them to stop wasting the public's time. Now is the time for them in the republican party to stop trying to undermine the president, and the oval office.

Maybe you as president should centure John Beohner, Eric Cantor, Mitch McConnell on the notion of undermining the President of The United States. Using Legislative protocol as and presidential orders, or executive orders on these subordinate republicans. President Obama, the use of Executive Orders, have been done before; more in part by former President George W. Bush; president 43. Even Former President William Clinton; president 42, use this power to preside over a subordinate congress. While president 43, just used this because of the notion of terror, and terrorist attacks. We are in peace time, yet that doesn't mean congress should have any right to undermine the president of The United States.

We need to move this country forward --  move it forward in cultural values, forward in political agendas; forward on domestic economic liabilities. And move forward as a nation a united front; we need to move forward on in order for us to keep our domestic santity. Since we preach democracy, what's notion on promoting a free domestic society based on rules and regulations, if our bodies of government are insubordinate towards the Commander In Chief. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

No more

Letters' letters to The President

Dear President Barack Obama

This country has always been a country that has taken care of the sick, poor, and those wanting to be free. The growth of this nation has always trumped poverty. The country is working its way out of the worst recession this generation has seen. And not since the great depression have we've seen; a class of people completely gone. In 2006, an underground problem reached its surface as seen in the minority communities since 1988 -- when making less than $20,000 a year was at the levels of poverty. During President Bill Clinton's years in office; economic levels increased. Since those who were poor; were giving more opportunities to achieve an affordable standards of living. Where the balance with public employment was either above or on par with private employment? We as a united country; always came together.

During the 2008, the financial crisis showed the country one thing. The major lesson that was learn; had to be the notion, that nobody is immune to poverty. We've seen billionaires become poor due to a crash in the market. We've seen grandparents lose their entire 401k packages on risky bets by billionaire brokers; who also lost profits. An auto industry on the brink, and a banking industry; dangling off a cliff. We came together as a union, to pick each other up; dust each other off and ride the wave in unity.  

Even though, the economy is growing; there are still people being pulled up out of the water from the Tsunami left upon us before the bailout on Wall Street. This country has never turn its backs on the sick, never turned its back on the poor--as it definitely never closed its door on those wanting to be free. The United States of America, had a resolve that defined this great nation; as the model symbol for a democratic union.

The United States of America, and members of the elected never bus the sick and the poor in front of a moving locomotive. On 09/19/2013; our republican representative made a party-line vote, where 17 members of their party disagreed with the notion of throwing the poor, the sick, and those wanting to be free out. Congress passed a 10 year, $40 billion dollar budget cut to the nation’s poorest, weakest citizens.

These severe cuts would cripple the poor; leaving 4 million families penniless. They'll have no food or clothing; unable to afford, rents or have a sustained standard of living. And around 2.1 million children without any assistance from the government. We've come so far as a country to segregate the lives of people based on economics; and socio-economic domain. People who are poor, don't abuse the system -- they're poor. Being poor isn't a means for a government handout, it means you're poor. We can't go back to the days in 1985, where children, and parents were skipping school; to patrol sanitation sites to probe for food, or at the back alley ways of restaurants, mingling the trash for throw away leftovers. We aren't a third world country, where the super-rich holds the country’s wealth; and the poor gets nothing at all.

And politics as we see it, is at a point of foolishness; as our elected leadership has not one ounce of electoral or governmental leadership. Cutting public assistance will kill, crush and deplete some working class families. Those families making $7.15 an hour, living in some of the poorest condition; with the notion of affordable house up for debate. They see an unwilling world, as inflation makes market value a little too bit of a pipe dream for them. In a market, that's looking at a high school graduate struggling to make ends meet. Their kitchen table isn't in a home, rather in an apartment complex.

Eric Cantor, John Boehner, and the leadership in the House of Representatives are over stepping the powers and responsibilities of the house. The House of Representatives, are the lower branch of government, it’s not above and beyond the president or the white house. It’s time for the in subornation in a dysfunctional congress to end. 

Monday, September 16, 2013


Letters' To President Barack Obama

Dear President:

Writing letters and letter campaigns have been an essential promise, supporters and staffers have enjoyed. The battle that looms the mission on changing the political landscape; has had its dents. GOP leadership is once again mounting an insubordinate approach to domestic issues.

Issues that affect the lives of ordinary American citizens. As their bait and switch tactics are in full stream. They are making claims that the individual mandate on Affordable Care Act; would be costly; as if the premiums on that mandate will cause prices to go up. Which is completely false allegations in what they call Obamacare! Your presidency's signature legislative land mark; was the incorporation on a corporate single payer system. Were the employer must pick the cost on their employees' health coverage.

The GOP misdirection; or switch the point of view tactics are old and inconsistent with what this country is trying to do by moving forward. By making small businesses owners and others believe that the rates on Taxes will increase; thus making the individual corporate mandate more expensive. Which is further off base and centralized on false notions than what health care facts have been dictating.

Companies of all income brackets if they have 25 full-time employees' operating into a single payer system; will get 100% tax incentives in forms of a deduction or tax Credits. And as long as the employee pays the co-payments on their premiums; the cost of this individual corporate Affordable health Care, will decrease. Those are factual evidence and modeled formula that businesses have been using in the market exchange.  It's a growth model that many enterprises use when balancing liquidity and non-tangible payments. And the banter in the previous years normally was; government should be ran like a business -- in this model everything that would take a corporate model by making health care cost effective.

Therefore by being cost effective; a person who is paying HealthCare premiums will in fact see their premiums decrease, even those who have their own packages. Why? The notion of having more people into the streaming pool; for health care companies to bid on -- will in fact lower premiums on those in that age group. And allowing companies to pick up a percentage; while using the Department of Treasury's Internal Revenue Services, an institution can recoup 100% of the cost to them on Health Care; by simply filling out the proper tax forms. This will keep cost low for the taxpayer, and it will allow business to replenish loses they've paid into -- on a quarterly basis. Using this system, allows Government to pay into a program; it keeps the cost lower for the consumer and it makes it affordable for everyone to participate.

Now we come to the conclusion, or pragmatic theory on how this will work; plus how will it affect the average taxpayer. Using a mirror system used in the stock exchange of a three source of liquidity. Where there's a chart of a three streams of cash flow coming in for example: Consumer pays retail price; merchant pays discounted bulk price; and government subsidized the production -- works. It's a business model that has been proven to work on all levels. So how can this model be placed in a bipartisan system, were the consumer pays the premiums for health care. The merchant, which is the corporate institution pays the bulk of health care. And the government replenishes such entities through the Department of Treasury's Internal Revenue Services.

How will this formula keep cost down; one modern way is to mandate that majority of the country's population; not participating must be included? The more streams of cash, into a proposal the cheaper that proposal will become. How will this formula benefit companies or institutions? This will allow an entity to purchase packages at a bulk rate, with more consumer a.k.a. Employees at the bargaining table. Which means more people will be covered; paying less on their premiums, in a single payer system that the entity picks up the remaining tab.

How does this benefit the company's balance sheet? When an entity files their quarterly tax statements such company, can file corporate liabilities; plus recoup damages through America's corporate tax system. Since the rates for an entity is much lower than the average taxpayer. And through our commerce laws, corporate deductibles and credits don't effect the taxpayers -- since it’s a different system for entities than it would be for the average taxpayer.

How will this help Government’s liability? It's plain and simple. By moving the liability from the individual tax payer system, and into the commerce liability system. Mines, and your taxes will decrease dramatically. It means that less taxes on public services; since we won't be paying the heavy burden of un-sponsored system. A system where government indirectly paid large portions on everyone's health care. Too break it down, just a little further: People will be buying insurance at a rate more favorable to them, and they would be placed in a bracket pool of 25 or more people per bundle. It means the company or entity will be purchasing a packaged deal at bulk price; and getting subsidized for the losses through the commerce. As this will allow Government to fund balance sheets without raising taxes, premiums, and the effects of the liability through the individual tax payer. And it would also prevent government from paying for charity care, since it would mean more people are covered and less people in the emergency rooms.

What will a program like this do? It will take pressure off the government on paying for everything when it comes to someone's health. It would allow the person to be able to purchase and have low cost health care through their employers in a single payer system. It will help businesses and entities pay for it at cheaper rates, since it would be purchased in bulk. It will also allow the company or entity to recoup the liability through the corporate tax code.

Who sees the benefits? We all do, the public will be a little bit healthier, since more people will be paying into the system. The companies or entities will make a 15% profit on the liability losses at 100%. Government would see a 10% decrease in overall health care expenditures. The taxpayers will see a 10% decrease in overall personal taxes. As State Governments would be able to circumvent paying for Health Care off their budget analysis; and into a corporate system.

On paper and through trial and error, this formula is a win, win situation. So, why are we having this problem of Repeal Obamacare? We are having this problem based on respectability. The base called the GOP has no respect for you as a corporate supporter -- no interest in believing that public to private or private to public corporation can work in government. And if such a thing were to co-exist, it wouldn't comeout of a democratic voice. Plus the notion, where many believe it will raise taxes on corporate accounts, is false. These false beliefs have become the political grandstanding that's struck a GOP lead Congress to strike a vote to Repeal Obamacare 41 times. Which is one crazy voting for a single piece of legislation to be written into law; and have attempts to remove that P.S. Law.

They want to go back to seniors who shared pills due to a coverage default in the drug prescription part plan D. They want to go to overcrowded insurances, that turned while select few had the benefits need, at their expense through an unfair tax system.

Mr. President Barack Obama, the Affordable Patient Care Act; is what this country needs. It gives the public a single payer system ran by the government through corporate liabilities.  It lowers rates for the public to ensure everyone is covered. It lowers taxes in three ways, me and you since the government won't be picking up the tab. On corporate entities, since those balance sheets will see a profit instead of a blank note. And on government to the notion that the more people covered, the less people the government would have to pay for; since they'll be less people without insurance.

This letter comes to you asking for you to spend more political capital; more political theater on pointing out the falsehood, many of these followers holding leadership roles; they mimic.  Health Care isn't a political Football anyone can throw around, it’s an issue that harms the pocket books of families -- state governments, and the federal government duties on providing.