Our growing concern in elections and the aftermath of these elections have dilemmas, and watching the continued dysfunction coming from the Republican Party speaks loudly.
President Barack Obama, won his re-election campaign by larger numbers than his first election. Although he may have lost three states from his historical run in 2008 -- yet what's concerning is how republican leadership doesn't respect the statistics from actual elections. Obama won republican districts in all states. This election had clear distinctions on were the country should be going. The republicans had their agenda on the ballot; with ideas that they've passed in the house of representatives and it LOST, wait let me repeat this -- lowing rates, closing undisclosed loopholes; and cutting 100% of the federal government in order to give breaks for the 1% and delay the payment process; so that the middle class and poor will foot the bill; lost with a 52% majority at the polls.
We Are One!
Our resolve is what matters; our leadership is what makes us united. Elections matter, governance is about compromise and everyone wants a system of checks and balance -- yet what our citizens don't want is dysfunction and gamesmanship in the congress towards the president. Not everything should be a scandal or a cover up, because some members weren't invited to an intelligence briefing -- or another member wasn't selected to chair the intelligence briefing, or whether or not information was given at the height of the investigation; when not all of the information was available to leadership.
Government isn't about a pissing match because some didn't get the call to get information. This is a critical moment in our nation; as we set the stage for the nation in the next 4 years. We have a growing concern in the Gaza Strip; which is now a growing concern on the peace negotiations concerning Israel and its boarders. Since the world is watching how we as a government act, and if we can't respect the notion that elections matters -- how are we going to spread that basic theory to the world.
We need leaders to be eye to eye on governance -- not a move saying: We the other party don't respect elections. Even though the Senate lost 4 offices giving the Democrats 53 plus 2 majority. And gained seats in the house of representatives -- even though majority of the elected republicans are more in so moderate republicans, were they won running against the policy passed and preached by the Republican Leadership. They won running against the republican agenda in Republican Elections. That means these extremely non-governmental ideas aren't going to work.
We've tried John Beohner's idea on debt reduction; and it didn't work. Republican's $1.3 trillion dollar budget cut--failed and then we tried their idea of a super committee. Whereas, they walked out on all negotiations whenever it would be placed on record that they will break a pledge to a lobbyist, not the people [one person and his PAC] so now we're back at the same struggle that should have been solved last year. Because; we have elected leaders who worry about ELECTIONS and not about governance. But this isn't about policy--rather than R.E.S.P.E.C.T. The public; burns for solidarity in government.
The public has seen a Congress; whether its representatives in the house or legislators in the Senate become disorganized, plus disenfranchised and dysfunctional over common sense and basic ideas. We don't need leaders who feel dysfunction is a political tool; to mock disclaimers of holding up the base in districts or states. When they're playing partisan politics; to create drama and waterloos just for the basis of creating them?
We Are One!
We Are One as a people; We Are One as a country -- We Are One as neighbors; We Are One in unity. To my republican representatives -- We Are One. We Are One; when a natural disasters strike. We Are One; when we are at war. We Are One; when our nation calls. So why can't we be one on our economics; and the concerning groth of the American Economy. We Are One; when our leaders respect each other and act as one nation -- under God that's indivisible with justice for all. We Are One, when we pledge allegiance to this nation. We Are One, as we sing the star spangle banner.
Why can we be one; during the country's time of need; in terms of economic growth.
I respect republican leadership; yet my concern is will that same leadership; respect me and others like me to make us one a a country.
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