There's a moment in time were we can make government have more efficiency in governance. Were the welfare of the economy isn't held hostage by a few extremely out of the main stream ideas -- from GOP leaders. Ideas that make compromise too hard to achieve, and solutions too extraordinary to accomplish. Since this country isn't as off the cliff on liberalization of liberals; or ultra plus extremely conservative from Neo-Cons; as they may please to preach. We are a centric country, with centric ideas; as compromise is the only solution to balance a budget.
A budget that makes sure we have those who can afford to pay a little more. Be in position to pay their fair share; were everyone plays by the same set of rules. And that takes moderate republicans to make a role or move for the center. In the house of representatives, the Obama administration should go after rank and file members of the house out side the gang of six. To coordinate a group of non-leaders in the republican party, thus giving them whip status--to place pressure on the Majority Leader, Majority Whip Leader, and find moderate republicans who wants to work with President Barack Obama. Like getting a republican negotiator like, Tom Price from out of Georgia to make the case for compromise. And make a strongly moderate move on revenue sharing; on a quarterly basis for those who can afford a little more. So we can make payments on our national debt -- without throwing our poor, seniors and middle class under the bus. A bus that leaves them for paying down a debt ceiling that would shave pennies while consuming millions.
And if we just eliminate that type of profit sharing; it would mean there will be no commitment to actually pay the debt. Since it would send the debt clock to the states. Because; those that are poor would be cut off from the Federal Government, and would need to bargain with the states--were as the states will be in no position to grant such obligations that are required by federal government. This is because states can't print their own money, and would need to seek the federal government on supplement resources -- when their resources run out and there's no way to provide for them. And nobody wants to see long lines at the Soup Kitchen because obligations meant for the federal government was sent back to the states. Giving the states more power to expand, and less oversight from the federal government on issues the government is suppose to provide. We can't keep sending issues that congress is suppose to handle back to the states; a the states can provide the resources that only congress can.
Example: Arizona is having issues with immigration and border control -- its the Federal Government's job to secure federal boarders. We can't have New Mexico, Arizona, and Louisiana declaring state hood on government authority; when this country is the United States. So that means GOP leadership needs to stop election partisan politics; Gallup poll leadership and do what the federal code of ethics call for on federal authority for federal obligations. Make a compromising concession, or get out of the way.Yet, we the general public would like the country to move forward on the agenda we the people elected you to serve. And to note that the Republicans placed their ideas and agenda on the ballot, and it lost. The public is now asking for you Mr. President Barack Obama to bring fiscal health to our nation. If that means you have to call congressional representatives, that are rank and file in order to strike a deal. Then that's a must for this fiscal crisis, and then you should tap into the base and get them out there. If you have to stump in the back yard of those who have leadership roles, in Kentucky, Ohio, and Virginia -- you now have the political capital to do so.
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