This has happened once in the last 40 years, and in 1996 -- we came to a consoling compromise on revenue; and spending. That's how we capped limits on banks; reformed welfare -- expanded the profit sharing base by 37.6% and increased community based; faith base programs with revenue sharing.
In returned; the rich spent a little more; and the community returned the favor. It allowed non-profit organizations to hire more workers; and allowed faith base programs to invest a lot of spirit into the community.
It created the Small Business Administration -- were entrepreneurs who can't get loans from normal banks because of their employment status; or they don't have capital to gain on -- such as assets base; or tangible assets, better yet stock interest; or an investment firm standing behind them on getting the funding the need to succeed. We need that type of leadership evolvement once again. That's why its important for republican leadership like John Beohner, Paul Ryan; Eric Cantor--plus Mitch McConnell to set aside campaign politics, press release rebuttals; and a canning call for leadership--thus actually come to a table and lead.
In order to move forward; we need a serious balance approach to governance of our country. We need our leaders; to finally respect President Barack Obama. We need them to respect that policy matters; as we also need three systems of leaders -- were our Senate; House comes to governance compromise with the Executive Branch. It means that we the people elected you the political leader -- to meet the challenges of our nation. A nation that's on a leadership fiscal cliff; since not everyone is extremely conservative -- as our country is more moderate than the top three republicans who own leadership roles may preach.
If you break it down; republicans did hold on to the house of representatives -- yet those who were elected are moderate republicans and conservative democrats in republican seats. These are those that ran against the extreme ideas being disbursed by republican leadership. Since the country isn't as extreme on social; fiscal and moral issues -- we are moderate and concerning citizens. We care about the role of government and obligation that government has on the entire country. Its not about taking the country back; or banking on ideas that plagues fiscal growth. Now is that moment; the people have been canting for -- as this divided country burns for leadership in our two branches plus executive branch of government to compromise and work together. As compromising on issues means; someone would need to cross that line in the sand. And since our president is a democrat; and the Senate [which represents the good will of the states] is also democrats were 52% of the electric's population wanted the country to move forward. It means now is the time to pass in the house of representatives Obama's American Jobs plan. A plan that will balance our budget with quarterly increases in profit sharing; plus marginal decreases in revenue sharing that leads to 1.2% reduction in yearly debts. A balance approach that meets the standards of this country's needs according to Simpson & Bowles.
A plan that both fiscal conservative, moderate republicans, democrats and progressives can agree on. It puts in place an American agenda that creates that passionate vibe built by President John F. Kennedy's administration -- as it allows both houses to claim victory in a bipartisan approach to government -- with 1.2% in debt reduction [the most since President Bill Clinton] -- a profit sharing compromise that helps do some nation building at home [Bigger than President Nixion's plan] and a robust revenue sharing agenda that gives communities the tools they would need to make our streets are a little safer -- or our schools more competitive, and our environment more suitable for our citizens. A plan that moves the country forward, so our next generation can have a little more than what we've seen in the last twelve years.
I'm writing this note to our leaders in hopes that they come together and make concession; like a married couple would do in order to leave a proactive place for my generation. And not to walk away from compromising solutions for political gain. And also to respect the fact that President Barack Obama is the president of our country. As he ran a campaign on trust, and telling the public the truth; to do what he says--thus mean what he does. And that means; the rich can afford to pay a little more, and government services can afford to do with a little less as our nation's debt decrease in a way we don't hurt those who can least afford suitable income.
That's the approach we need in this new century of leadership; in an economy that's not bound by districts but inclusive on nation building at home. Where a factory worker in Arkansas can make goods for a community store in Washington [state]? Or an organization in California can produce ideas for a church in Maine on community outreach. And small businesses purchasing or working with large corporation on economic growth that leads to strong system on free enterprise -- with a responsible free market; that makes sure everyone gets the same fair share of chances--were everyone can play by the same set of rules.
Rules that increases wealth for the wealthy on a quarter basis; give insurance to government services -- where those services can work more effectively; plus make sure we don't abandon the poor, while doing some nation building at home. The American Jobs plan is our Kennedy's moment. A movement that brings pride and joyce to the American exchange; allow the rich to get more wealthier while playing by the same set of rules. Give government the essential tools our states and local governments would need to ensure public safety. Allow our national leaders to curb national government debt, without throwing our poor under the bus. We can't have increasing levels of poverty, and a drowning middle class; while having the most members in the world wealthier then ever before. Yes it's true we don't have that many wealthy people to tax from, and that's why national government must invest to prevent a two state society. A society were anyone can be at risk of total
collapse. Since we are all neighbors of a neighbors and our economic values as a nation are tied together -- no matter who you are; or where you come from, and who you love--or what you believe in -- this country a land of opportunity has a place for you. If you work hard and believe in the community -- while giving back to those that consume you; America can be great once more.
That's why I believe in President Barack Obama; and that's why the people is asking republican leadership to finally respect him. Since there's no such thing as a red state; or a blue state because this is the United States of America. And there is no such thing as a White America; Black America, Hispanic America or an Asian America because we are all Americans' living in one nation as one people under the eyes of our God. Where we don't have an exclusion of an Jewish state; or an Islamic infuriation against the Christian and Catholic values because we are all one creed created in the image of one spirit? America! A place were dreams come true; and solidarity creates an economy so strong that nothing can break it but embody those economic principles as a nations' own. A place were the free market can invest in free enterprise -- while playing by the same set of rules, as both get their fair share of opportunity at the American Dream on wealth. And everyone pays their fair share into the system; as the system works to make sure our sovereignty isn't broken by poverty. And poverty isn't foreseen or to be foreseeable on the domains of socio-economics; plus the disenfranchisement on fear.
This is the United States of America as the slogan says: United We Stand; or Divided We Fall. We need to be united again; since we have been divided by politics and political interest -- for a little more than 100 years, when women earned their rights to vote; and everyone got the right to be free. And we created the notion of red confederate states; blue union states and liberty seeking states to the United States residing on one of the two Americas. As this country is a union from colonies of red, white, and blue means conservatives can come to the table with liberals to help spread liberty to all. We are the United States of America, not the divided unions on the land called North America. That's why we have been the enterprise to change the frontier. And why all countries look to sell their products to our consumers. Its time for our country to make moves to increase our production on creating consumers off-shore. That's why we call this country the United States of America.
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