Saturday, November 24, 2012

We Are One

Dear President Barack Obama:

Our growing concern in elections and the aftermath of these elections have dilemmas, and watching the continued dysfunction coming from the Republican Party speaks loudly.

President Barack Obama, won his re-election campaign by larger numbers than his first election. Although he may have lost three states from his historical run in 2008 -- yet what's concerning is how republican leadership doesn't respect the statistics from actual elections. Obama won republican districts in all states. This election had clear distinctions on were the country should be going. The republicans had their agenda on the ballot; with ideas that they've passed in the house of representatives and it LOST, wait let me repeat this -- lowing rates, closing undisclosed loopholes; and cutting 100% of the federal government in order to give breaks for the 1% and delay the payment process; so that the middle class and poor will foot the bill; lost with a 52% majority at the polls.

We Are One!

Our resolve is what matters; our leadership is what makes us united. Elections matter, governance is about compromise and everyone wants a system of checks and balance -- yet what our citizens don't want is dysfunction and gamesmanship in the congress towards the president. Not everything should be a scandal or a cover up, because some members weren't invited to an intelligence briefing -- or another member wasn't selected to chair the intelligence briefing, or whether or not information was given at the height of the investigation; when not all of the information was available to leadership.

Government isn't about a pissing match because some didn't get the call to get information. This is a critical moment in our nation; as we set the stage for the nation in the next 4 years. We have a growing concern in the Gaza Strip; which is now a growing concern on the peace negotiations concerning Israel and its boarders. Since the world is watching how we as a government act, and if we can't respect the notion that elections matters -- how are we going to spread that basic theory to the world.

We need leaders to be eye to eye on governance -- not a move saying: We the other party don't respect elections. Even though the Senate lost 4 offices giving the Democrats 53 plus 2 majority. And gained seats in the house of representatives -- even though majority of the elected republicans are more in so moderate republicans, were they won running against the policy passed and preached by the Republican Leadership. They won running against the republican agenda in Republican Elections. That means these extremely non-governmental ideas aren't going to work.

We've tried John Beohner's idea on debt reduction; and it didn't work. Republican's $1.3 trillion dollar budget cut--failed and then we tried their idea of a super committee. Whereas, they walked out on all negotiations whenever it would be placed on record that they will break a pledge to a lobbyist, not the people [one person and his PAC] so now we're back at the same struggle that should have been solved last year. Because; we have elected leaders who worry about ELECTIONS and not about governance. But this isn't about policy--rather than R.E.S.P.E.C.T. The public; burns for solidarity in government.

The public has seen a Congress; whether its representatives in the house or legislators in the Senate become disorganized, plus disenfranchised and dysfunctional over common sense and basic ideas. We don't need leaders who feel dysfunction is a political tool; to mock disclaimers of holding up the base in districts or states. When they're playing partisan politics; to create drama and waterloos just for the basis of creating them?

We Are One!

We Are One as a people; We Are One as a country -- We Are One as neighbors; We Are One in unity. To my republican representatives -- We Are One. We Are One; when a natural disasters strike. We Are One; when we are at war. We Are One; when our nation calls. So why can't we be one on our economics; and the concerning groth of the American Economy. We Are One; when our leaders respect each other and act as one nation -- under God that's indivisible with justice for all. We Are One, when we pledge allegiance to this nation. We Are One, as we sing the star spangle banner.

Why can we be one; during the country's time of need; in terms of economic growth.

I respect republican leadership; yet my concern is will that same leadership; respect me and others like me to make us one a a country.

We the People

Dear President Barack Obama:

Are we morally separated or culturally divided. If we are a nation that's divided on moral issues; then we are very much in trouble as a country. Since we shouldn't be kicking others while they're down. Creating a culture on the notion that poverty is like a serious Virus. In this country we have an identity crisis; as it comes to the obligation meant for the government. Majority of the issues that are front and center with our government -- leadership is trying to pass those responsibilities to the states. And the states are required to pass a budget since; they can't print there own money. So most states are either revoking, abandoning, or terminate federal assistance for those who are below the lines of poverty. Even more than open lots of states are sending those obligations to the local municipality--where these local government has no authority to enforce federal issues.

As the responsibilities roam around the fiscal cliff; curb--yet leadership set back; on whether we spiral back into a recession, walk into an unofficial government shut; thus defaulting mandatory obligation -- we are left with the notion of governments role.

When a nation's poverty levels continue to rise -- who has the responsibility to stop the bleeding; government, or the people? When a country is having a poverty and jobs crisis, then the most Noteworthy moral obligation for the federal government would be is to also unsure public safety? And the number one concerning issue with the safety of the public is the security of the countries finances. Because we those who are poor, find routine measures to help them live in a more sense. Why prices at the pump aren't going down, and public transportation becomes an obligated necessity--while those fees are increased. The normal living standards for those in poverty; just got harder. It becomes harder to travel because inflation has reached a level where it cost more than a nickel to make a nickel. And the value of a dollar doesn't even get you an hour worth of supplies. Where those who are in a poverish state becomes victims of vicious rhetoric that demonize them for the state of socio-economics?

Our economy we have been looking at a systematic problem on wealth. The accumulation of debt versus the decentralization of wealth. Those who are in the middle class or bordering poverty are looking at a system not favoring their way of life. For example; A family of 4 where both parents work two jobs, were much of the income is below $35,000, don't have the same chances--but yet Breaks in the U.S. system. Since they have to pay monthly living expenses, about 2\3 of their take home pay. [after taxes] Living expenses, that include rent; food, transportation, and other non-tangible expenses. Become a [tax deductible] to a tax liability based on a tax bracket, mixing with market value exchange.

In baby talk; Republicans and some democrats see taxing non-tangible deductibles, will increase revenue--while others think that removing deductible based on the market value on a certain tax break will curb federal spending. Neither of these theories are further or any closer to the truth. When you tax non-tangible deductibles, you have to take it on a case-by-case bases? Since not everyone who makes a certain amount in a bracket -- is actually in the bracket that they're reporting. Since some forms require detailed analysis of tangible and non-tangible deductibles and credits. For instance; the Homestead Rebate, for renters and home owners -- would gain 0.02¢ on the dollar.

Baby Talk; if you're paying $1000 in rent, you will be getting a $200 rebate. Which in theory, many of those who are at the lines of poverty would spend that rebate on non-tangible items! And a millionaire who uses a different tax form to deduct their housing expenses, pays a lessor rate, thus gaining more in return from the government. For example $1,000,000 would pay 1% rate or a 15% total on housing expenditures, and gain no more than $75,000 on their housing return. And depending on what they do with that return, most of the times they invest in tangible exchanges [which is good for market growth, but bad for debt reduction] : these exchanges are now not taxable because the profit gained becomes capital gains. And if they're in the market for long term, they basically don't pay any taxes on anything once they've broke that threshold. Example, Jane Doe makes $2 million and has a home in block A. Jane received $75,000 as her rebate or probated property investment. [not taxable because its a deduction] She takes $70,000 of that rebate and invested in Microsoft as a long term investment with Charles Schabb; at an 8% rate for 2 years. She can live off the interest; from that investment while continuing to claim that credit year in and year out; without paying any taxes on capital gains after taking in unearned income. [And you don't want to start taxing dividends, since you will never know where or what is the separation of which; unless you audit the entire nation] And you don't want to penalize someone for taking a risk off of their deductibles.

In both stories of the person in poverty getting $200, and spending that money on consumption -- to the other that took the same deductible and invested it into shared stock. Which one had a direct effect on the federal economy? If you thought Jane Doe, had a better response on the economy, you're wrong. The person who got the least of the rebate, did the actual spending. While the other invested into a package or derivative. And we all know derivatives don't do a thing to curb federal spending; which it adds to budgets and makes a short term decease, while creating long term problems on increasing deficits.

How do you tax or close loopholes that creates disparity in the tax code? Lost of people want to lower rates, and close loopholes -- which will raise taxes on that deductible and tax bracket. While that will indirectly raise taxes, but it does nothing to curb any spending, or even raise enough revenues to pay for installing the mandate. Then you will have the domino effect going into place -- since that same deductible is no longer active, John Doe won't be able to get that rebate. Now Jane Doe, and John Doe have a little less in their pockets to do some actual spending or investing. Which leaves, local small business at a stagnant place; because consumers have less to presume consumption.

Then the question rises on how you fix this, without getting rid of the balance and obligation that the federal government is required to provide. One theory would be to defund everything; which would shut government down for 13 months to 18 months. Can you imagine how many people government would throw under the bus and off the cliff? Nearly 40 million people will find themselves on soup lines, and in a state of despair on economic security. And it won't be defined to one race, the poor and homeless will be first; then the financially insecure middle class--will follow. The stable middle class, will sink into a point of no return and become unstable; while the secured middle class will slip out of being secure into unsure. The rich will have a smaller pool to invest on; thus getting less on their investment return, and less to spend and deduct. That's the road most or nearly all extreme neo-conservatives would like to implant. Which does nothing but implant what we call Voodoo Economics. Which is make the non-secured individuals suffer on an appearance of balancing a budget, while sending the obligations of budgeting to some other government function. A term many liberals and moderates; or progressives say: "Kicking the Can down the road." And then the other government assembly can either terminate the function, reform it in terms of government liquidation -- where it means government programs go to die. And that method is unsuccessful because it will create long term poverty; which may lead to rebellions, and become a public safety issue. Nothing in those methods will curb federal spending but make the lives of the people more unsuccessful and unsure in terms of economic security.

The other way is to raise taxes on those who can afford it; while cutting taxes on those how can't afford the increase. The only problem with this method is the notion that there's just not enough members in that comfort level to pool from. So government would have to terminate or do something in order close the gap. And there's the elephant in the room; since with these Tea-Party representatives : who made a pledge to never agree with President Barack Obama; made compromise a dirty word. You can balance a budget, that raises rates; curb government spending, and pays down the deficit. By making sure those making over $250,000 pays a little more, and make sure government is spending less on obligated programs, while making them more efficient. And you can pay down a debt with marginal decreases in expenditures. Which is what President Barack Obama proposed with the American Jobs Plan.

Monday, November 19, 2012


Dear Mr. President Barack Obama,

There's a moment in time were we can make government have more efficiency in governance. Were the welfare of the economy isn't held hostage by a few extremely out of the main stream ideas -- from GOP leaders. Ideas that make compromise too hard to achieve, and solutions too extraordinary to accomplish. Since this country isn't as off the cliff on liberalization of liberals; or ultra plus extremely conservative from Neo-Cons; as they may please to preach. We are a centric country, with centric ideas; as compromise is the only solution to balance a budget.

A budget that makes sure we have those who can afford to pay a little more. Be in position to pay their fair share; were everyone plays by the same set of rules. And that takes moderate republicans to make a role or move for the center. In the house of representatives, the Obama administration should go after rank and file members of the house out side the gang of six. To coordinate a group of non-leaders in the republican party, thus giving them whip status--to place pressure on the Majority Leader, Majority Whip Leader, and find moderate republicans who wants to work with President Barack Obama. Like getting a republican negotiator like, Tom Price from out of Georgia to make the case for compromise. And make a strongly moderate move on revenue sharing; on a quarterly basis for those who can afford a little more. So we can make payments on our national debt -- without throwing our poor, seniors and middle class under the bus. A bus that leaves them for paying down a debt ceiling that would shave pennies while consuming millions.

And if we just eliminate that type of profit sharing; it would mean there will be no commitment to actually pay the debt. Since it would send the debt clock to the states. Because; those that are poor would be cut off from the Federal Government, and would need to bargain with the states--were as the states will be in no position to grant such obligations that are required by federal government. This is because states can't print their own money, and would need to seek the federal government on supplement resources -- when their resources run out and there's no way to provide for them. And nobody wants to see long lines at the Soup Kitchen because obligations meant for the federal government was sent back to the states. Giving the states more power to expand, and less oversight from the federal government on issues the government is suppose to provide. We can't keep sending issues that congress is suppose to handle back to the states; a the states can provide the resources that only congress can.

Example: Arizona is having issues with immigration and border control -- its the Federal Government's job to secure federal boarders. We can't have New Mexico, Arizona, and Louisiana declaring state hood on government authority; when this country is the United States. So that means GOP leadership needs to stop election partisan politics; Gallup poll leadership and do what the federal code of ethics call for on federal authority for federal obligations. Make a compromising concession, or get out of the way.Yet, we the general public would like the country to move forward on the agenda we the people elected you to serve. And to note that the Republicans placed their ideas and agenda on the ballot, and it lost. The public is now asking for you Mr. President Barack Obama to bring fiscal health to our nation. If that means you have to call congressional representatives, that are rank and file in order to strike a deal. Then that's a must for this fiscal crisis, and then you should tap into the base and get them out there. If you have to stump in the back yard of those who have leadership roles, in Kentucky, Ohio, and Virginia -- you now have the political capital to do so.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff

A lot of questions arrive on the notion that we might hit the fiscal cliff. This is when a temporary circle of debt and revenue comes to a dead heat. Meaning, wealth in terms of taxing, budgeting and spending has exceeded its term limits.

This has happened once in the last 40 years, and in 1996 -- we came to a consoling compromise on revenue; and spending. That's how we capped limits on banks; reformed welfare -- expanded the profit sharing base by 37.6% and increased community based; faith base programs with revenue sharing.

In returned; the rich spent a little more; and the community returned the favor. It allowed non-profit organizations to hire more workers; and allowed faith base programs to invest a lot of spirit into the community.

It created the Small Business Administration -- were entrepreneurs who can't get loans from normal banks because of their employment status; or they don't have capital to gain on -- such as assets base; or tangible assets, better yet stock interest; or an investment firm standing behind them on getting the funding the need to succeed. We need that type of leadership evolvement once again. That's why its important for republican leadership like John Beohner, Paul Ryan; Eric Cantor--plus Mitch McConnell to set aside campaign politics, press release rebuttals; and a canning call for leadership--thus actually come to a table and lead. In order to move forward; we need a serious balance approach to governance of our country. We need our leaders; to finally respect President Barack Obama. We need them to respect that policy matters; as we also need three systems of leaders -- were our Senate; House comes to governance compromise with the Executive Branch. It means that we the people elected you the political leader -- to meet the challenges of our nation. A nation that's on a leadership fiscal cliff; since not everyone is extremely conservative -- as our country is more moderate than the top three republicans who own leadership roles may preach.

If you break it down; republicans did hold on to the house of representatives -- yet those who were elected are moderate republicans and conservative democrats in republican seats. These are those that ran against the extreme ideas being disbursed by republican leadership. Since the country isn't as extreme on social; fiscal and moral issues -- we are moderate and concerning citizens. We care about the role of government and obligation that government has on the entire country. Its not about taking the country back; or banking on ideas that plagues fiscal growth. Now is that moment; the people have been canting for -- as this divided country burns for leadership in our two branches plus executive branch of government to compromise and work together. As compromising on issues means; someone would need to cross that line in the sand. And since our president is a democrat; and the Senate [which represents the good will of the states] is also democrats were 52% of the electric's population wanted the country to move forward. It means now is the time to pass in the house of representatives Obama's American Jobs plan. A plan that will balance our budget with quarterly increases in profit sharing; plus marginal decreases in revenue sharing that leads to 1.2% reduction in yearly debts. A balance approach that meets the standards of this country's needs according to Simpson & Bowles.

A plan that both fiscal conservative, moderate republicans, democrats and progressives can agree on. It puts in place an American agenda that creates that passionate vibe built by President John F. Kennedy's administration -- as it allows both houses to claim victory in a bipartisan approach to government -- with 1.2% in debt reduction [the most since President Bill Clinton] -- a profit sharing compromise that helps do some nation building at home [Bigger than President Nixion's plan] and a robust revenue sharing agenda that gives communities the tools they would need to make our streets are a little safer -- or our schools more competitive, and our environment more suitable for our citizens. A plan that moves the country forward, so our next generation can have a little more than what we've seen in the last twelve years.

I'm writing this note to our leaders in hopes that they come together and make concession; like a married couple would do in order to leave a proactive place for my generation. And not to walk away from compromising solutions for political gain. And also to respect the fact that President Barack Obama is the president of our country. As he ran a campaign on trust, and telling the public the truth; to do what he says--thus mean what he does. And that means; the rich can afford to pay a little more, and government services can afford to do with a little less as our nation's debt decrease in a way we don't hurt those who can least afford suitable income.

That's the approach we need in this new century of leadership; in an economy that's not bound by districts but inclusive on nation building at home. Where a factory worker in Arkansas can make goods for a community store in Washington [state]? Or an organization in California can produce ideas for a church in Maine on community outreach. And small businesses purchasing or working with large corporation on economic growth that leads to strong system on free enterprise -- with a responsible free market; that makes sure everyone gets the same fair share of chances--were everyone can play by the same set of rules. Rules that increases wealth for the wealthy on a quarter basis; give insurance to government services -- where those services can work more effectively; plus make sure we don't abandon the poor, while doing some nation building at home. The American Jobs plan is our Kennedy's moment. A movement that brings pride and joyce to the American exchange; allow the rich to get more wealthier while playing by the same set of rules. Give government the essential tools our states and local governments would need to ensure public safety. Allow our national leaders to curb national government debt, without throwing our poor under the bus. We can't have increasing levels of poverty, and a drowning middle class; while having the most members in the world wealthier then ever before. Yes it's true we don't have that many wealthy people to tax from, and that's why national government must invest to prevent a two state society. A society were anyone can be at risk of total collapse. Since we are all neighbors of a neighbors and our economic values as a nation are tied together -- no matter who you are; or where you come from, and who you love--or what you believe in -- this country a land of opportunity has a place for you. If you work hard and believe in the community -- while giving back to those that consume you; America can be great once more.

That's why I believe in President Barack Obama; and that's why the people is asking republican leadership to finally respect him. Since there's no such thing as a red state; or a blue state because this is the United States of America. And there is no such thing as a White America; Black America, Hispanic America or an Asian America because we are all Americans' living in one nation as one people under the eyes of our God. Where we don't have an exclusion of an Jewish state; or an Islamic infuriation against the Christian and Catholic values because we are all one creed created in the image of one spirit? America! A place were dreams come true; and solidarity creates an economy so strong that nothing can break it but embody those economic principles as a nations' own. A place were the free market can invest in free enterprise -- while playing by the same set of rules, as both get their fair share of opportunity at the American Dream on wealth. And everyone pays their fair share into the system; as the system works to make sure our sovereignty isn't broken by poverty. And poverty isn't foreseen or to be foreseeable on the domains of socio-economics; plus the disenfranchisement on fear.

This is the United States of America as the slogan says: United We Stand; or Divided We Fall. We need to be united again; since we have been divided by politics and political interest -- for a little more than 100 years, when women earned their rights to vote; and everyone got the right to be free. And we created the notion of red confederate states; blue union states and liberty seeking states to the United States residing on one of the two Americas. As this country is a union from colonies of red, white, and blue means conservatives can come to the table with liberals to help spread liberty to all. We are the United States of America, not the divided unions on the land called North America. That's why we have been the enterprise to change the frontier. And why all countries look to sell their products to our consumers. Its time for our country to make moves to increase our production on creating consumers off-shore. That's why we call this country the United States of America.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Obama look into Merrill Lynch

This letter will be sent to the White House, and placed in the up and coming book called: Letter's Letters to the President which is trademarked under TheFanNJ and Coaches! 101.

Omar Dyer
Coaches! 101 (PAC)
PO Box 4463
Jersey City NJ 07304

Letters’ Letter to the President:

Dear President,

I am writing this letter to you and I emplore you as a concerned citizen to live by the pledge of the people. The people of the United States of America have been hit hard in these abusive practices done in the Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley banking scheme of vulture capitalism. In an internal letter from Bank of America, I have uncovered that the house crisis, has been more deeply than what the profit reports actually tells. Bank of America, racked in $3.1 billion dollars in marginal profits on home equity accounts, money marketing accounts, and personal (cash) debt accounts.

On April 13, 2011, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (“Federal Reserve”) issued a cease and desist consent order (“Consent Order”) against Bank of America Corporation (“BAC”). The Consent Order makes no finding on any issues of fact or law or any explicit allegation concerning BAC. The Consent Order describes a consent order that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (“OCC”) and Bank of America, N.A. (“BANA”), which is owned and controlled by BAC, entered into addressing areas of weakness identified by the OCC in mortgage loan servicing, loss mitigation, foreclosure activities, and related functions by BANA. The Consent Order also states that the OCC’s findings raised concerns that BAC did not adequately assess the potential risks associated with such activities of BANA. The Consent Order directs the board of directors of BAC to take appropriate steps to ensure that BANA complies with the OCC consent order. The Consent Order requires BAC and its institution-affiliated parties to cease and desist and take specified affirmative action, including that BAC or its board: (1) take steps to ensure BANA complies with the OCC order; (2) submit written plans to strengthen the board’s oversight of risk management, internal audit, and compliance programs concerning certain mortgage loan servicing, loss mitigation, and foreclosure activities conducted through BANA; and (3) periodically submit written progress reports detailing the form and manner of all actions taken to secure compliance with the Consent Order. BAC submitted an offer of settlement to the Federal Reserve. In the offer of settlement, BAC agreed to consent to the entry of the Consent Order, without the Consent Order constituting an admission by BAC or any of its subsidiaries of any allegation made or implied by the Federal Reserve in connection with the matter.

Plaintiffs alleged that Merrill Lynch aided and abetted a fraud, violation of a consumer protection law, and breach of fiduciary duty allegedly perpetrated by Benistar, a former Merrill Lynch client, in connection with trading in the client's account. During the proceedings, plaintiff also made allegations that Merrill Lynch engaged in sanctionable conduct in connection with the discovery process and the trial. In 2002, following a trial, a jury rendered a verdict for plaintiffs. Thereafter, the Court granted Merrill Lynch’s motion to vacate and plaintiffs’ motion for a new trial. On June 25, 2009, following a retrial, the jury found in plaintiffs’ favor. On January 11, 2011, the Court entered rulings denying plaintiffs’ motion for sanctions and punitive damages, awarding certain plaintiffs consequential damages, and awarding attorneys’ fees and costs. On February 7, 2011, the Court issued final judgment requiring Merrill Lynch to pay $9,669,443.58 in consequential and compensatory damage plus statutory interest, and $8,700,000 in attorneys’ fees and costs; but denying plaintiffs’ requests for punitive damages and sanctions. The client, a co-defendant, filed a notice of appeal of the Court’s denial of its motion for a new trial on or about January 19, 2011. On or about January 24, 2011, plaintiffs filed a notice of appeal of the Court’s denial of their motion for sanctions pursuant to Mass. Gen. Laws c. 231 § 6G. On March 1, 2011, the plaintiffs filed a notice of appeal of the Court’s denial of their requests for punitive damages and sanctions, and the Applicant filed a notice of cross-appeal on March 15, 2011.

Now I know most of this information is rehashed and known to the public. Since Bank of America was required to pay off those sums of money. And this isn’t new to the process—yet what is the most disturbing and shocking notion of this, was the fact that after the courts order BAC, to pay back $20 million dollars to those hampered in the Mortgage crisis of 2002-, all the way through to 2011. And to this day, many of those that were crushed in this scheme are fuming at the mouths in debt by deception on the accounts of BAC. And as we embark on this mission to restore real principals and put American’s back to work. We as monitors, leaders, letter writers, complainers, and civilians would like you to ask the Attorney General to place an investigation on the mortgage practices. And break up these large banks—since it’s become a practice for large banks to bail out each other. I know many people may have sound problems with what they see or believe in the direction the country is going. And free market, should never be on trail. Yet, the process of America was never about abandoning those that can’t speak up for themselves. And capitalism was never about squeezing all the nickels, and every dime out of the same consumers that are merchants. This country needs a banking system that will not look to steal a few dollars in every way, whether it’s from your debt accounts or on your home loans. True leaders never rely on vultures as a means of success; capitalism is about uplifting and creating a product. It’s not about holding one tier above the rest, and drives everyone out the equation.