Sunday, June 23, 2013

Congress need to support Obama

Letters' To The President

Dear President Barack Obama,

As you've battled the dysfunctional; disrespectful--lack of organizational National Republican Party; we've come full circle on two things. The Tea-Party, and Republican leadership is trying to do one thing. The thing they're trying to do is stick it too you--yet, little do they know; if they stick it you -- they're sticking it to us the general public.

American citizens, and residents who live in this country are feeling the hit. When the GOP, made the move to stick it to the President? Little did they know, that making sure you fail; or sticking it to you-- would be the same as tanking the entire country. Some people have become less interested in the nature of politics. What we're all figuring out is: maybe this country would function better, if we remove the sub-tier government.

Like, congressional representatives -- if they continue to act as they have under the leadership of John Beohner. Why do we in the public need them. We need them to make or create rules and regulation.

The general public would like this congress to finally respect your presidency. And allow this final term be about moving the country forward. Forward in a way, were show me up, and grandstanding politics is the way of the past. And to finally, move this country out of a state of poverty, and incarceration. This Country has 25 million people are below the lines of poverty, with another 3 million or more homeless; plus 12 million incarcerated totally 40 million of our 250 million citizens.

Even though the greatest threat to American Humanity, is our lack of assistance, help and livability for the nations poor. We must cater to those needs of of domestic services; such as prevention programs, and public financing for faith based, community out reach, and social programs. The rolls that Government plays in preventing outcries on public safety is what we elect our leaders to do. We elect leaders to ensure public safety. As the meaning of public safety is: making sure the public is safe from eniement danger; such as fires, crimes, sickness, homeless citizens, and terrorist. For the last 9 years, our country has ignored the major drift on public safety -- which is, sickness and homeless citizens.

Congress, has been on a dysfunctional mission to repeal The Patient Affordable Care Act known as ObamaCare; while ignoring the major concerns in this health care healing package; which is the sick who happen to be homeless. A country that doesn't do enough to rectify the growing concerns of citizens finding themselves homeless--isn't a country that should be a power house; or promote Western Civilization.

Mr. President Obama, now is the time to act on securing public safety. Whether its gun control, homeless prevention, health and public jobs.

Finally, the legacy of President Barack Obama begins now. The notion that we can change they way politics is received--is wrong. One score ago, you led a journey on changes; seven years later, the same dysfunction that created a damaging economy has turn soar.

Now, is your time as president you've made sure the American Exchange became safe and secured. You've improved public perception around the world, to have a favorable look at goods made in the U.S. and by USA labor. You've secured the private sector, with the largest employment expansion for a sector: The Private Sector. Yet, with the increasing number babby-bommers, youthful expansion -- we need a thriving public sector. This prevents a stagnant and jobless economy. That's why these last few years should be about expanding public sector jobs, good paying jobs that require pubic financing, or what we call government jobs.

Americans' now more than ever is ready for an economic boom--were the weary and scarcely driving economic growth. We've avoided this cry pushing a double  dip recession, and a promise to shut down government as we know it. Now that you've navigated the ship through tough waters, the mission isn't complete. It's time to bring in the closer, and close the deal. We need public sector jobs, and union based jobs. 

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