Letters' To The President
As we enchant
on the second term, and the final mark of your career. We must look at the
legacy of our buck, on how far we have come to how long that mountain can
reach. We have come so far as people; when we cast our votes for a man whose
content in the character out ways the disadvantages with men who have a
different content in bedded in their skin.
we've created a passionate vibe to disenfranchised the fear of voting for a
minority -- yet, we have not open those closed doors; to others. As our
economic state is pressured by lack of indivisible and individual economic
security, men without a gratitude of pigment bare witness to the lack of
diversity when it comes to our economical state. We are in a state of an economical
emergency, since no time in the history of our country has our men been unable
to secure an economic stability on their feasible interest.

We have always been a united front, when our government has come together to ensure that our economical sanctuary isn't compromise as a bargaining chip for politics; or have one district; with less than a million people hold an entire country hostage. When John F. Kennedy spoke of: "It's not what this country can do for you, rather than what you can do for this country," spoke widely on our principles that we are united when we share compromising responsibilities.
This must be
that standing moment; where we finally close that chapter of character
disenfranchisement. Where people, from all
backgrounds can come together and prosper together as one; in a nation of many.
Since this country was built on legal immigration -- where
the poor and the weak can strive for success. And as we speak no country has
embraced a story like President Barack Hussein Obama. Our people; our country
has changed in geological standings that shows, we aren't a bunker nation
anymore. That our children, can learn from
each other and the content isn't judge by their pigment -- yet by their
character. And on this day as we celebrate the history of coming together --
since we shall overcome. Overcome the partisan challenges of one district and
one way. Overcome the bickering and hatred of one party against the other.
Overcome the challenges of budgeting politics; over the nation's people. Overcome
the principles of you're alone. Overcome the fatigue sense for this country's
value for our leaders.
We shall
overcome come, and maybe this is that day. A day were we aren't divided on
kitchen table principles anymore. A day were we aren't judge by our religion
anymore. A day were we aren't divided by state and party politics anymore. When
your title as a republican, democrat or an independent isn't segregated by
leadership's view on were you should be; rather than who we are as a country?
Although, we
have many differences our country's resolve hasn't been a last second chant on
the final hour. We have always been a country of big things; the place where
firsts happen. A place that embarked the same principles of united we stand,
divided we fall. Your Country, My Country; Our Country isn't divided after all.
We've overcome the two world wars, the segregation on people; and now is that
time to end the segregation in our economics.
Since there
is no such thing as a red state; a blue state because we are the United States
of America. We can't be looking backwards to the bickering of the past but move
forward on unity. We've come together when our nation was at that defining
moment. A moment that our color isn't defined by pigment, race, original origin
status, redmen, bluemen, rich, poor or middle class but by the values your
spirit gives to this country.
Our country
needs to overcome some of these partisan challenges; that segregate us all. A
challenge that can end a gridlock based on what party you have; and respecting
the office of this country. Although we elect a party representative from a
particular party; we as people elect a person to represent our country in
overcoming some of these challenges. Overcoming the politics of the day to
ensure the need for our country's resolve. Overcoming a divided Congress that's
holding the rest of the nation in limbo. Overcoming leaderships' role; that
country matters; not districts, one particular state or party but our resolve
as a nation.
The office of
the president isn't to represent one race, one culture, one creed, one party,
or one district; to one state -- yet to represent us all. And that's a moment
where all leader in leadership roles must, and shall overcome. Leaders, need to
overcome their districts; leaders need to overcome their states; leaders need
to overcome their parties. As we overcome our defiant resolve to a united
Four Years
Ago, we as a public and as united people rallied for change. We stand committed
to bring change to Washington -- as we now found out, changing the status quo
isn't easy, or landscaping fast as we expected. The next generation isn't about
one set of values, over the standing of the others. And change isn't about
what's in your pocket, or the money value you've contributed; yet its about our
vibe on unity.
Barack Obama, I still believe that our country
can overcome. And you're the leader that can drive that change to overcome this nations' hardest obstacles. Overcome some of
the violent state our youth have foreseen over the
years. Overcome the segregation our poor have foreseen within our government. Overcome the downsizing
our workers foreseen
during these budget cut canter. And overcome the fear on doing big
things our people have foreseen with this neo
conservative approach to our economy. And finally end the Downsizing of
America; and end the downsizing of our work
force, while ending
the downsizing of our economic security. Because a country can't grow with a
demoting work force, or a demoting view on
economic security; and we can't create prosperity on budget cuts alone. As the
health and well being of our people and this
nation; isn't subjected to a time clock in Washington or posted in New York. And to change Washington
-- its our leaders that needs to change; and
compromise for the country. We need to change the way we think, change the way we interact, and change our our politicl
culture. That's the change we shall and can overcome as one nation under God--which can be indivisable; in
order to bring justice to all. That's the dream of America, which is to
overcome these tough challenges together.
still believe that spoken word long ago; if one man can change a candidate. And
one candidate can change state; and one state can change a country; imagine
what we can do to change the world.
economy is improving, as our resolve stays steady; and despite paritisan
bickering in Congress -- this country has been trending up on marginal
increases. The Dow Jones Industrial has broken the 14000 for the first time in
almost 10 years.
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