Dear President of the United States: President Barack Obama;
With great pleasure, and in reporting from this independent public / private agency under the umbrella of Congress! We would like to denounce the marginal claims made by a few democratic, plus republican mayors in New Jersey, and America abroad on the issues of Alternative Energy / plus this everlasting fight with pipeline expansion, and natural gas. These mayors may say that their voices go unheard: which is false. When it comes to alternative energy, in the two years since 2008 – after the financial clasp, we have seen breath taking turn-around numbers in Alternative Energy in progressive and conservative states. Yet the most dramatic numbers and turn-around coming from New Jersey happened under our watch. In manufacturing for alternative energy there was a decrease in funding and job creation from 2001-2008 at -10.4%. Now in two years, the alternative energy program: that you allowed: The Next Generation of Leaders under the leadership of Omar Dyer; has brought that number to a dead even. In two years, we have turned a negative into an even positive. Please note: it took 4 years to make those numbers go south: and in two years, those numbers reversed course (swiftly).
And residential, commercial construction and building installation for energy plans, such as (Solar Panels, Wind-turbines, and other resources on energy) have increased in New Jersey 3% and counting up. Which means 10s of thousands of jobs in the direction of alternative energy was created starting back from 2008—when Senator Obama gave the keys to us! And in terms of renewable energy, in all categories; we have from a negative direction of -15.6% to an increase of 2%. Now people will look at the numbers and say: it’s only a 2% increase or a dead even increase – yet look at how far behind the task has come to break even or even be in the position plus to have numbers that are up. It means lots of good jobs were created to turn a negative into a positive. And New Jersey for the first time in any memory we see a passion and increase for biofuels—where it’s at an all-time high of 2.3% increase in employment.
And to talk about transportation and recycling for a green economy! The numbers show a 2.9% increase in employment—plus funding to small businesses, which recycle, and produce energy. So Mr. President, what I am saying is: after we saw a congressional stab to the heart of the American Economy. We have been working round the clock, fixing and repairing the energy artery, from a near death critical condition to a stable and beating strong healthy condition. And despite some of the bans (municipal, Federal, and State) on compensation for public employees (Omar Dyer) we still have been working hard to bring sound policies. Like the newest improvement on pipe expansion for natural gas: where they will use polymer: which is metal mixed with plastic. This form of technology is used and produced by the best of the best – as it has now revamped an aging industry. To where FERC even says it’s the safest compound we have in the modern era. I do admit that there have been problems, yet it wasn’t with the overall plan. The problems came about: when you have new updated pipes – flowing into older noncurrent pipes. Meaning the entire system of pipes needs a change, and for the first time since the late 50s’ the manufacturing sector is ready to supply the industry for the needed change. Which means more jobs can be created with sound solutions and funding investments in Natural Gas?
Its ready, the voices of the people have been heard, strong polices have been created to protect consumers, and the general public. The polices are so complex that some of these businesses have be complaining about application. And get frustrated that they filled the process, done their part, plus the department is ready to fund them – then they get a block or a ban from a municipal assembly. Plus, Tea-Party congress (Leadership) on banning everything just so you don’t win the next election. While that municipal assembly places fear and doubt in the process—without even addressing the route of the problem. Using out dated information, twisting words or facts, to make an impression that the numbers are in their favors. Or using other problems that had nothing to do with the new regulations for alternative energy: like the human factor. Or municipal jurisdictions with this ban of natural gas!
Mr. President, I as an advocate have been working extremely hard since 2008. Nobody has said thank you, respected or even acknowledge the notion—the hard work that has been done in energy. Even when our funding options have been crawled back or even stopped completely with budget cuts, and attempts to abolish (me) without knowing the after effects of what these cuts, or terminations would do to the economy. We have still be working hard to benefit the people. The numbers don’t lie – the changes are and have shown, these polices are strong—as the implications for job creation are there; more companies are fiscally sound to handle the impact; plus the demand is there. We are just waiting for the supply in terms of funding for employment for the entire industry on transitioning our economy into a prosperous one. Mr. President Barack Obama – everyone wants to discredit your leadership, and I just want to say: Republicans (Tea-Party) and majority of those in the Republican field: never gave you or me a chance. They crafted a way to design a system of failure, and it’s unfair to those that are working extremely hard. And it’s unfair for municipal assemblies to inflict hard notices, to ban and prevent economic growth, when their counter parts have been working extremely hard in studying the issue, changing and tweeking the polices. To where everyone says: this is safe – this is the time, and moment to bring fundamental, economical change to the energy industry, and I ask: if not now – when. Because 20 years from today, these energy polices—will transform everything like Thomas Edison has done.
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