In a couple of congressional session and on the House Budget committee – they are at battle over raising or not raising the Debt Ceiling. And the Republicans are using this method as a make shift agenda to break or make your candidacy, and shape the 2012 election cycle. And people may say this isn’t political; yet in this modern day era of social media, plus the blog-a-sphere; everything is political. Just like my update letters – which comes via email or through social media; will not be political?

And by following the broken ideology and voodoo economics displayed by John Boehner and Paul Ryan—where they make an appearance that something is being cut—when nothing really is; will be a budget gimmick played on the international exchange. Yes, the country has a lot of debt—but that doesn’t mean—we go into default to rein in the amount of spending one country should entertain. Leaders are showing and citing the Ful Faith Credit Act as a means to discontinue the obligations to protect and serve the citizens of America.
Yet the theory of 13% of the regulatory spending or mandated spending concerns once we reach $14.1 billion – where there’s a theory that it wouldn’t impact government. Which is crazy, because these numbers aren’t just low income families—they are real people? Every densely educated citizens of our society! And making it harder for a person who spent 12 years in education after High School (mandatory education) and where they gained a doctors or doctorate degree, to the social service line, to apply for jobs that are beneath their requirements—not only embarrasses them, but embarrasses the system. Under this agenda and idea – 75,000 well educated people will be tremendously affected by the Republican attack. Why would Wal-Mart or other places with the caliber for Wal-Mart hire someone with these credentials in education?
And the single supplier of highly educated citizens in America is Government. And key government jobs—the ones that are being targeted because of pay scale and rates on paper—is the only jobs that higher people whom have dedicated themselves to education. Jobs that include teachers, and the education industry—whether they are privately own; or public placing companies; that depend on social assistance levied as a deduction or credit. Yet, the idea of crashing the base that is the most educated because of the notion we are looking at something on a paper rather than the value of the mind—only shows our own greed and diligent will plumb our fatality.
And the implication of just ending wars, or stop paying for non-congressional spending, is picking and choosing which and what everyday law abiding citizen, get that chance of the American Dream. We shouldn’t be in the business of choosing who we want to be rich—or whom we like to stay poor. We shouldn’t be in the business of turn the doors on those that can leash speak from themselves. America is the home of the brave—brings those that burn to be free, with a passion to have skill for trade, and we can have a prosperous life of liberty.
I am not writing this letter to throw numbers at you – whereas you already have the numbers. I am writing this letter to state to you, the theory held by the Republicans is a straight attack and waterloo on your presidency, and use this as a marketing tool for their re-election campaign. While harming the educated members of the society—the people that put you in office. They first went after the poor—we fought back. Second they went after small business, and we fought back; as they then went after women’s health. We all fought back, and are still fighting those battles with Women’s health Care. Now they are attacking the educated few—in order to create class-ware fare. And create a society of have knots, and haves—since it will make and break a feud a major problem. We have highly educated people in this country that will fall into a society of have knots. We need to avoid this at any means needed, and necessary.
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