To ensure that our economy have a robust and strong revival we need to respect and work with our public sector.
Whether it’s public sector jobs, or public sector funding—a strong economy can’t function with a dwindled public sector. And sometimes to reboot the foot that’s dragging in our way of life, it’s imperative to sacrifice a year of wealth, in order to achieve a sustain common wealth—for years to come.
Over the last couple of months, we have been burden with an increase of hard rhetoric on public stipend jobs, and publicly funded company. The base called true conservatives have leashed an all out attack on Public Jobs, Government Jobs, and public funding. While they rant on the high levels of unemployment, and the lack of funding in loans and tax credits going to small business.
Small Business are the fundamental keys to innovation, and creation on where jobs, and who creates the next generation of resources. We need to work more with and keep the public sector in great strengths with public funding, and make sure our privately owned public companies, or publicly owned private companies—have the resources they would need. Whether it’s financial Reform, in terms of a public stipend on helping business, seal off troubled assets, and allow them engage in business.
This country is well, and it’s strong—as this country is engaging in engineering for the future, and maybe with the public support, and backing from the Government or the public sector—we can unleash the tools to a wealthy economy. Public Funding and how we fund publicly owned and privately owned companies are the true and idea keys to economic growth. As we know economic growth can’t come about without the government making an investment. Whether it’s your local city government, state leaders, and federal law makers, we need to respect, look at way to fund, and grow our public sector. Whether it’s publicly owned and privately owned public companies.
We can’t allow these continued rants of crash and fail the party in power; just to point the finger, and place the blame game of kicking the can down the road. Our time is now, and we are at the turning point in our financial health—our fiscal well being is being crushed by a radical view of cut, to add fees.
Education is the keys and pathways out of poverty—as it ensures a prosperous and economical recovery; when those in need can educated themselves to prosper. That means government has the moral ability or obligation to ensure that teachers have pay that they are proud of.
Mr. President, you asked us (American citizens) to rally for health care—as we all came together and passed: The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act 2010. Yet, that just wasn’t enough for those that are persistent to hate the (PTOUS): You Sir President Barack Obama—in your agenda. The public Sector is in crisis mode with rivalry and budget cuts. Some of these cuts have become radical choices, to undermine the hard work—many of us have been doing. We need you to stand strong and help the teachers, and unions in their time of need. Mr. President, I am not placing heavy rhetoric about you: (PTOUS) to do your job: I am working with you, to advocate for teachers. I get the emails, and the cries—as a public notary, and a political candidate for public office: I am proposing this Public Wage Proposal.
Picture of the President was brought to you by CNN iReport
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