Letters' To The President
Dear Mr.
President Barack Obama,

the first time in 20 or more years, the United States Government has been shut
down. And not since a president who represents a democratic party have we seen
this much obstruction in congress.
though during Former President Bill Clinton's tenure as president; the minority
party, didn't go into the limits of total collapse, based on racial issues. As
an African American, with strong support to Organizing For America, and now
Organizing For Action; I must say -- 85% of those currently holding federal
offices in Republican Party for the House of Representatives and Senator are
using politics as a tool to promote racism.
fringe element off the republican party are in fact bring forth a level of
hatred, no other president has ever seen. And we are bound by the words plus
actions that create a space for the members preaching such hate. The type of
reverse hate that makes the victims the target for the attacks on them. Like,
when a person commits a verbal assault that leads to racial tension; why must
the attacker accuse the victim of playing the race card? Or if you are baiting
people into a race war on separation, why such person can’t be called out on its
very own premises.
rhetoric is getting so ridiculous onto a notion of stupidity. The theme of
stupidity would be making an understatement into what's actually going on here.
They as in the Tea-Party, and the centric base supporting this organization --
is in fact spreading racial propaganda in order to undermine your presidency.
for instance the Trayvon Martin case, which has sparked an unnecessary feud
between: Gun owners, and civil rights activist. The Tea-Party leaders are
making this an attack on democrats; privy to a theory on losing 2nd Amendment
Rights. And that ramblings now have led to a race baiting war between; centric
neo-conservatives and everyone else -- on a singular notion about civil rights
when it comes to segregation. Meaning they're calling you a racist because you
don't speak enough or highly enough on Caucasian banter, or any time you
mention anything remotely close to promoting awareness for African Americans,
Latinos, or any creed in the minority.
have many pressing issues that makes a major concern; coming pacifically out of
the banter or rhetoric from the Tea-Party's operation to delegitimize your
presidency. And now more than ever; even with the debt ceiling crisis, also the
government shutdown -- there needs to be a serious debate on the issues of
this issue is now seaming into the realm, plus ideas on government's policy and
politics. The outcry, of people saying they fear for their country, or the
future of their children because you're president. This type of prejudice leads
congressional leaders, plus the GOP leadership to be up and at arms over your
policy. Since, no matter what you do, or what accomplishments you achieved --
there's this segment amount of people who will hold a prejudice against you
because you're African American. And I don't want to say Negroes or blacks
anymore-- we are all American.
President Barack Obama, as a supporter and an advocate advising on issues; it’s
a common lack of true trust, that goes toward the pigment of a person's
skin--rather than the content in their Character. Are we free, those words are
mocked in mockery by the same centric neo-conservative groups; who fear you
because you black.
words Free at last meant, we are free from the unjust, and prejudices that has
our souls segregate into in the past. As an African American man, breaking the
color barrier but in all honesty; we are still "demonized, plus
demoralized based on trust factor. As if our creed isn't capable of functioning
in a complex society.
words Free at last meant, our symbolizing creed shouldn't be masked or mocked
as inferior to the other.
shouldn't be a need to fear leaders in this country that has earned the right
to be a symbolizing icon in leadership for a community.
a promising African American man can't work their tale off to become President
of The United States, can't be respected; without this stereo-type: on where
people are in fear of their children’s lives; along with theirs-- then how are
we as a country going to be one nation.
is one of the major reasons why, there is a need to address racial issues.
There's a need to address the rising concerns with securing boarders. Since we
are a nation of immigrants -- were cultures migrated here on the notion of
President Barack Obama, I'm writing this letter to ask you this question. As
the government shutdown looms over our heads, and as the debt ceiling forces government’s
hands, plus with the interest in national affairs -- creates a need for a
robust economy. Social domestic issues must be addressed. And why must it be
addressed, because the issues and stereo-types lingered on to African American
men; are sinking into our politics, our ways of governing.
Republican Party doesn't want to follow your ideas, even though most of your
ideas are vital to the success and wellbeing of this country; since you're the
President of The United States. They're preaching you're untrusted worthy, plus
that they fear for their lives, fear for their country. It's a disclaimer that I've
seen so many times in my youthful age. That African American men, aren't bright
enough, we're untrusted worthy, and unworkable should be addressed.