That means if you live in a two family home, and the second resident has a home based business – they will not be able to remove that lien because they are owed more money from the government which resulted in overpaying of taxes. (What is being said here is that for the same address – with two different Families in a dual partnership – both can pay and over pay on taxes, and if they have overpaid; neither of them will get a tax return; after paying the government three time?) Currently right now there are people fighting litigation that states, and has proof, with all the legal documents—which shows, the government owes them money.
We don’t have an uncontrolled spending problem in this great nation of ours – yet, we have political pollutants to the complexes of society in this nation. A nation that likes to abuse senior citizens, and youth education – as a means to make claims on spending! For far too long we have used the terrene of the poor, the elders, and the young to benefit our pledge rich donors.
I am mad at President Barack Obama, for making these dramatic cuts – cuts that may increase or place that bubble on the Donut Hole that we as citizens of this country worked too hard on achieving. The Patient Affordable Care Act – was meant to help, those that can’t speak for themselves, and what we are seeing is four people—lying to the public, on the resources of Social Security. Using the false implications on a budget, and the national implications of a budget--to place gamesmanship in politics, with the will of the people!

This maneuvering to outdo the other isn’t what we as campaign organizers have signed up for when we gave that pledge to change how Washington works. Right now the bureaucrat in Washington isn’t the lobbyist—it’s the elected leaders with agendas, to embarrass the people, and those that are for free liberties and social enterprises. In this country, we value labor, and the mimicking of what the founding factors of labor—health and wealth is about, shouldn’t be used as a gamer in politics. Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, and now John Boehner – doesn’t need to run down on Social Security – since they are millionaires, and don’t have to pay into the system, because they are elected public servants.
I am tired I say: I am tired of being brought by the gamesmanship in politics.
Our culture has placed a need into the future by sharing the burdens, and reaping what you sow if we are sowing a decaying society – where the poor are neglected, and the youth is disrespected, as seniors start to look at benefits being cut; then we groom poverty.
This party of do nothings wants to groom a society of people in poverty – with a culture of those that feel they are above the status quo. Yes, the status quo has comeback—as the entitled process is no longer social programs, or social funding—the entitlement process; is our political pollutants in public office. Should we have a term limit mandate for members in congress, and should we do the same for those in the senate. As of right now the Senate has no limits on terms, and a 6 year ordeal. Where legislators can sit on a seat and control that set for their entire life time. And even if the elections are fair and balanced – the influence of an incumbent to get loan donations, and raise money faster than a challenger is why we have more 4 term leaders instead of two or three terms.
I am tired I say, and I am tired of being brought by the gamesmanship of politics.
The Republican Party, lead by John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, and Paul Ryan – are now above the threshold for being millionaires, and that’s not because they were private workers—which is because they built something off the public dime. They make more just campaigning on politics, than they would if they were to just legislate.
So making life miserable for those that can’t afford to live in an upper gated community – while making life for those in the upper gated community more relaxed and comfortable – isn’t and wasn’t the intentions of our founding fathers. Our founding fathers didn’t instill a society of have and have knots – and the same lord in whom we trust our moneys with, wouldn’t allow a nation to force poverty onto its people.
That’s why we rallied for our protective rights, a right that says – no taxation without adequate representation. And the meaning of that is how are you going to force my life, and force fees, and mandates on me without the basic representation of the people. How are you going to enforce a two society system, without the basic representation of the people! When we as a country fought that war to give us our independence from a system—forcing a two society role? As indentured servants, were now looking to be represented when a tariff or a new tax was forced on the people. And this new wave of *Tea-Party* Republicans – have lost their minds on the fabrics of the Articles of Confederation.
I stand with the people and many of them are tired of the cries that come from leaders in Washington that America is broke. And that we need to not look at the faces of the numbers we project, but the thing pockets of what goes into the campaign war chest – so the leaders elected to service, good nor bad; can stay in office.
As we speak the Dow Jones is at 13,000 points – which is up from 8,000 point drop after the financial meltdown. That means we had a 5,000 point increase in 25 months after repairing the system. Where we have seen 6 million jobs lost once and after the financial meltdown happened, and during that time of provisions, and laws – which regulate and help the basic needs of people and business; our fight has seen an increase in job growth with 3 million in job creation, and an expected 2 million more. And these have nothing to do with polices written by the Tea-Party and the Republican Party, since President Barack Obama hasn’t signed any new public laws.