Dear President:
The country is in a shift and move for ideas that have been championed and won over the last 40 years. As the centric Republican Base – don’t have a single clue on job creation, work performance, and how to groom a health economy. And I am writing this letter to you with the broader implications of action. Mr. President Obama's Policies are paying back, what former George W. Bush took. And he is doing it faster than Bill Clinton, since a majority of them are fractions of former President Clinton's polices -- it was just a tough economy, than Former President Clinton had to encounter. Mr. President Obama, you made a great choice in bailing out General Motors—when the team of (NO) lied to the people about government taking over GM. Not only did government not take over GM – yet it saved them from extinction. Where to now GM has paid back it obligations, and gave its lower level workers the raises they need so survive in a tough economy.
Mr. President Obama; you made the choice to bailout J.P. Morgan Chase, Citi-Group, Goldman Sachs, and the financial industry. And everyone of the companies your policies have bailed out has done in most cases – what you have asked. In case with Chase bank; they have employed and brought growth to Chase bank. Yet, even though the growth was from within – they managed to pay the tax-payer's back. Your polices gave some trust to Citi-group, which was one of the managers caught in the A.I.G. mess. By helping out Citi-Group, and breaking them up and apart from A.I.G. – they were allowed to retool themselves, and expand their banking business. Not what the government asked them to do—put they have paid most of the money owed back. You also made a choice to bail out: Goldman Sachs – not only has Goldman Sachs done everything that President Obama has asked for, but they have done it right—with the Ten thousand small business teaming and partnership. Goldman Sachs was the first company to completely repay the tax-payer's back, and employing or helping the employment of over 1 million people to the private sector.
People are giving you the short end of the stick, and saying how your vibe passion and polices haven’t helped the economy –maybe they are blind or confused to either listen or know the facts. Every company that you have granted help, and those that have gotten the help—has paid the tax-payer back.
Unlike your predecessor: Former President George W. Bush: Under T.A.R.P. in which he signed into law—yet the first round of the moneys in T.A.R.P. which was Trouble Assets Relief Program—he rescued A.I.G. (twice) Lehman Brothers, a few foreign banks, on American soil – CTI Bank, and small financial institutions – where none of them have paid back the Tax-Payer. Lehman Brothers is no longer in business –even though the executive changed offices with the same duties, as he went from CEO to CFO. A.I.G. has no intentions of paying the government pack, and to force A.I.G. to pay the government back will take $6 trillion dollars more to unwind the packages with Fannie and Freddie. Since it was A.I.G. that placed those good mortgages in the same plate with high risk loan swaps.
I understand the lost that A.I.G has plumbed on our system, and allowing them to find a way back is the best thing to do—yet to watch them would be even better.
My problem is Mr. President Barack Obama; you are being unfairly blamed for this economy, even though many of those that were affected in terms of debt on the national level—didn’t happen under your watch. And many in the Republican Party are filling fits about a national debt that is getting paid back. Nothing happens over night—you can’t pay down a debt in 6 months. Yet, you can break a budget in one week, or maybe two months. And what we have seen in the Bush Policies – were the notion that his polices where mandates that wasn’t paid for. And if you factor out former President G.W. Bush’s $4 trillion added to the debt from the $14 trillion on record, and balance your polices to the $3 trillion spent, plus the $2.3 trillion returned, your policies would pay down what you borrowed from the Tax-Payers by 2015. Which means, the debt that Former presidents like: Reagan, Bush (41) and Bush (43) and practically Bill Clinton—by the time you leave office, and let’s say you’re reelected for a second term – you would have paid down both what you borrowed from the tax-payer, and what Bush (43) borrowed from the tax-payer. Which means you cleaned up George W. Bush’s mess – is that fair to blame someone for clean up someone else mess. And take full blame for it, yes it’s your economy, and yes the debt is high – yes, Mr. President you own it; yes it your choice, not obligation to pay for it. And you have done that with smart policies.
Yet, we know you are working hard on the economy, and the republican base is gearing up for a fight. They are taking away the same things Americans over the years have fought so hard for. And they are dead serious about this too – with the move on unions, and low income workers. With all the millionaires we have in this country, why should citizens lose their living standards before someone jumps in to help. And the leadership in Texas should be an embarrassment to the process of government on the republican side. Even those in the budget committee – are holding Americans hostage for political gain. While blaming you Mr. President for the polices that leaders placed.
You are the leader of the country, and right know our Unions need your voice, right now the low income worker needs your spirit – right now those who choose to have a union would need you to lead in the front lines on these issues. And practice your oath, since doing so won’t make it politically right – it makes it the right choice because it will be the right thing to do.
Dr. Omar Dyer
PO Box 4463
Jersey City NJ 07304