Dear President Obama,
Over the years it has been great writing these letters to you, and placing them on the internet. I am an independent journalist with an MCA (Masters in Communication of Arts). The role of fake news in our news cycle, and in our political cycle is getting dangerous. I mean we are all liable to be influenced by fake news. And many of these reports are very alarming -- when it comes to President-Elect Donald J Trump. We know most people post news on sites, without vetting them -- share them and they become the norm.What doesn't become the norm is the simple notion of trending investigative reporting?
Most journalist recycle news, and place some of their input and perspective into what they are targeting. For example, when you follow the fake news narrative and you follow the monies of Make America Great Again; it leaves you with questions. These questions leads you to open more doors, and these door show you actual facts. In part, nothing being sent to you that comes from the pen of I -- is fake, and has always been exclusively summons, and briefed plus investigated.
The fake news narrative is not only all from Russian invasion in our elections. Russia, opened the door to this trend that is now dangerous. And it's dangerous to trending and real journalism, when people undermine real reporting.
Open Secrets: ( A non-partisan money tracker for political campaigns) shows: Donald J Trump's Make America Great again -- paid and used $125 million in media outlets. What is alarming is that a growing list of companies under this umbrella, used Fake News as a platform. Those are evident facts: Giles-Parscales was paid $58 million to create digital ads, that were extremely bad. Which is widely reported by Talking Memo Points, The Wired -- have said, many of the digital ads were fiction in part of Trump 2016.
In places like Maine: a company like LL Bean Heiress, is currently under investigation by the FEC, for violating donation reporting and contribution of funds. They reported $60,000 raised and spent $66,000 -- while not being registered as a PAC in the system. And it's very unclear where they garnished the funds from, and the main goal of this non-registered PAC, was to undermine Hillary Clinton in Maine. This report is coming from a 1/6/2017 article from CNBC News. This pack is owned by Dave Jones, and they are now facing a boycott over what is considered fake news.
A creditable company used fake news as a platform to tarnish and harm the campaign of Hillary Clinton in a state that has proportional electoral college voters. That lead to the undermining of our elections, based on lies from these news site -- which created a divide in our country.
What is alarming to any journalist is the notion that most of these fake news sites -- came from information fed to them by key members of Trump's administration. An unconfirmed source sites that Steve Bannon, hired LifeZette, which is noted for promoting fake news and ads that damaged Hillary Clinton's campaign. Now there's no way to track where the monies have came or exchanged from because LifeZette is a private institution and something this free based journalist doesn't have the resources to probe. The Intercept reported in November 26, 2016 that majority of the fake news are cronies of Make America Great. And based on FEC reporting, Make America Great Again ( PAC ) along with Breitbart paid campaign contributions to 25 fake news organizations like LifeZette, to distort the facts, and harm Hillary Clintion's campaign.
LifeZette, got all of it's information from Wiki Leaks, so they saw a story -- promoted by Trump 2016, ( Exclusive insiders to his campaign ) and promoted these stories on social media in targeted paid for by Make America Great Again ads. Ads that were displayed on twitter, instagram, and some parts of facebook.
When you place a targeted ad on social media, you are reaching a small market of people, and only giving them one side of the news.We are now in a state where 60% of the general public get their information from social media. And ads like this distort the news, and make it difficult to create a narrative in the general news cycle.
This blog believes that because of the Russians hacking the DNC system, and the will to win a campaign by Trump 2016 -- with the amount of money spent on fake news. Seriously, $90 million of the $125 million spent from Trump 2016, went to fake news that based their information off of the Russian Hacking crisis. Those are facts that have been reported by Open Secrets, CNBC news, bloggers, and government agents.They supplied the demand, and the demand went viral to undermine our election system, and news cycle. This can't be the new way to campaign, and use of fiction to beat your political enemies. Fake News is a serious problem, and should be addressed at the highest level. Fake news is so damaging, that even a investigative journalist, of free press -- now has problems with reporting facts, even with solid sources -- that are backed by NAMES, can't seem to become valid under Trump's imaginary world of fiction news.
Letter's to The President of United States
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Thanks Obama
Dear President Barack Obama,
The year is 2017, as we embark on the final days of your presidency -- let me reflect on what you have truly allowed us the people, to achieve from 2009 to 2016. I can remember getting a friend request on Facebook, and it said: Hello, I am Senator Barack Obama and I want you to join my campaign.
I also remember getting sent a link to fill out asking me about my role in your campaign of Organizing For America. At that time my popularity was at an all-time high, I was a national children's writer of the year. A recent college graduate from alternative education, and a beat writer for a few national broadcasting news organizations like: ESPN and NBC. My gift or talent was to write speeches, and organize the masses for the public. I can remember giving you one of my speeches, and stated you can take this farther than I can.
But let's not go into the long history of how you allowed us to organize your campaign -- Organizing For America. Instead let us congratulate you for helping us achieve these accomplishments. Since they have your name binding them in law, but we as the masses must remember how these laws came to fruit. Your most singular accomplishment is health care: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which is also known as ObamaCare. Thank You President Obama.
Thank You: for closing the Doughnut loophole.
Because of that notion, seniors don't have to share pills from the unpaid for Medicare Prescription Plan D -- has now been filled, with pay-go. And to pay for it the medical devise tax, known as Tort Reform; a general republican idea, paved the way for healthier senior citizens.
Thank You President Obama: For allowing the youth of America to stay on their parents health plans.
College students, or students in general were dropped from their parents coverage, and now they can stay on those plans until they're 26. That means, less students showing up to the emergency room with no insurance.
Without the hatred from the Republican Party, Patient Protection: Affordable Care Act has these Facts: the states that didn't step up the exchange, didn't see the savings in the actual bill. Take for example: New Jersey set up a state sponsored exchange has 5 million people covered. The premiums of those in New Jersey grew 5.4% from 6.4% from 2010 -2016. With an average of $1,400 in savings for all families. Savings that include lower Emergency Care payments, and lower deductions on out-of-pocket expenses. That means people who paid their premiums and didn't have lasting health problems got a rebate. New Jersey's Health Care System has sent out $17 million in rebates based on how healthy you as the person was because of Obamacare. Thank You.
Now if you take into the notion that Tennessee didn't set up an exchange, and the federal government had to set up the exchange, with full resistance from the state. In the aftermath, the commissioner of Tennessee's health insurance market -- calls the process a problem. Because the state refuse to set up the exchange 46% of those with packages outside of the market, did see their premiums increase based on private insurance companies, increasing rates, to overthrow Obamacare. As these markets received hard fines ( state regulations ) that created friction with the state sponsored system. So insurance companies that offered Obamacare, that came across state lines, had to pay out side fees from these States, which in turned force these companies like Cigna, couldn't operate under the rules in that individual state. And had to increase rates, or lose their license to sell insurance completely. So many of those companies with large pools of people -- that can create savings, pulled out of those states.
Now this isn't coming from me it's coming from Tennesse's Health Care, and when you break down the numbers -- republican states that refused Obamacare didn't get all of the benefits mention. So how come a company can compete in New Jersey, as the state followed the rules, and the insurance rates improve, while a state opposes the health care package, by not setting up the exchange, did actually see increases based on the rules of the state making it hard for that insurance company to compete in that state.
Moving Forward: Me, you and the entire community needs to defend this legislation to the fullest with facts. We need to rally in a way to show the public the benefits of the program is there, when state government takes it's part and work with the Obamacare. Because it's proven to work well, it even works extremely well in a republican lead state of Kentucky.
As a writer and independent journalist, I am committed to allowing people to understand the truth about Obamacare. Why, 9 years ago a person like me didn't have any options to health care because I couldn't afford it, had a pre-existing condition, and never was able to pass a screening to get health care. And I was a young college graduate at that time. I am one of those that you allowed to rally the people, with 50 million who signed a petition to keep Obamacare. I am one of those that was allowed to sit in the meetings with congressional leaders that drafted the actual bill. (Thank You for that)
And as a young educated man, I am one of the few that you allowed to give input on how to defend it in the Supreme Courts. (Thank You for that)
So as these republicans try and repeal the law, based on a lie -- I will be one of the few defending the facts of the law. And I will do it with a state by state compare and contrast of those who benefited compared to those who didn't benefit. And do it with company by company with actual facts of how republican states -- tried to dismantle the law in their state. As a way to disrupt the thinking of the law.
The year is 2017, as we embark on the final days of your presidency -- let me reflect on what you have truly allowed us the people, to achieve from 2009 to 2016. I can remember getting a friend request on Facebook, and it said: Hello, I am Senator Barack Obama and I want you to join my campaign.
I also remember getting sent a link to fill out asking me about my role in your campaign of Organizing For America. At that time my popularity was at an all-time high, I was a national children's writer of the year. A recent college graduate from alternative education, and a beat writer for a few national broadcasting news organizations like: ESPN and NBC. My gift or talent was to write speeches, and organize the masses for the public. I can remember giving you one of my speeches, and stated you can take this farther than I can.
But let's not go into the long history of how you allowed us to organize your campaign -- Organizing For America. Instead let us congratulate you for helping us achieve these accomplishments. Since they have your name binding them in law, but we as the masses must remember how these laws came to fruit. Your most singular accomplishment is health care: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which is also known as ObamaCare. Thank You President Obama.
Thank You: for closing the Doughnut loophole.
Because of that notion, seniors don't have to share pills from the unpaid for Medicare Prescription Plan D -- has now been filled, with pay-go. And to pay for it the medical devise tax, known as Tort Reform; a general republican idea, paved the way for healthier senior citizens.
Thank You President Obama: For allowing the youth of America to stay on their parents health plans.
College students, or students in general were dropped from their parents coverage, and now they can stay on those plans until they're 26. That means, less students showing up to the emergency room with no insurance.
Without the hatred from the Republican Party, Patient Protection: Affordable Care Act has these Facts: the states that didn't step up the exchange, didn't see the savings in the actual bill. Take for example: New Jersey set up a state sponsored exchange has 5 million people covered. The premiums of those in New Jersey grew 5.4% from 6.4% from 2010 -2016. With an average of $1,400 in savings for all families. Savings that include lower Emergency Care payments, and lower deductions on out-of-pocket expenses. That means people who paid their premiums and didn't have lasting health problems got a rebate. New Jersey's Health Care System has sent out $17 million in rebates based on how healthy you as the person was because of Obamacare. Thank You.
Now if you take into the notion that Tennessee didn't set up an exchange, and the federal government had to set up the exchange, with full resistance from the state. In the aftermath, the commissioner of Tennessee's health insurance market -- calls the process a problem. Because the state refuse to set up the exchange 46% of those with packages outside of the market, did see their premiums increase based on private insurance companies, increasing rates, to overthrow Obamacare. As these markets received hard fines ( state regulations ) that created friction with the state sponsored system. So insurance companies that offered Obamacare, that came across state lines, had to pay out side fees from these States, which in turned force these companies like Cigna, couldn't operate under the rules in that individual state. And had to increase rates, or lose their license to sell insurance completely. So many of those companies with large pools of people -- that can create savings, pulled out of those states.
Now this isn't coming from me it's coming from Tennesse's Health Care, and when you break down the numbers -- republican states that refused Obamacare didn't get all of the benefits mention. So how come a company can compete in New Jersey, as the state followed the rules, and the insurance rates improve, while a state opposes the health care package, by not setting up the exchange, did actually see increases based on the rules of the state making it hard for that insurance company to compete in that state.
Moving Forward: Me, you and the entire community needs to defend this legislation to the fullest with facts. We need to rally in a way to show the public the benefits of the program is there, when state government takes it's part and work with the Obamacare. Because it's proven to work well, it even works extremely well in a republican lead state of Kentucky.
As a writer and independent journalist, I am committed to allowing people to understand the truth about Obamacare. Why, 9 years ago a person like me didn't have any options to health care because I couldn't afford it, had a pre-existing condition, and never was able to pass a screening to get health care. And I was a young college graduate at that time. I am one of those that you allowed to rally the people, with 50 million who signed a petition to keep Obamacare. I am one of those that was allowed to sit in the meetings with congressional leaders that drafted the actual bill. (Thank You for that)
And as a young educated man, I am one of the few that you allowed to give input on how to defend it in the Supreme Courts. (Thank You for that)
So as these republicans try and repeal the law, based on a lie -- I will be one of the few defending the facts of the law. And I will do it with a state by state compare and contrast of those who benefited compared to those who didn't benefit. And do it with company by company with actual facts of how republican states -- tried to dismantle the law in their state. As a way to disrupt the thinking of the law.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Black Lives Matter
The entire country is in a moment, and that moment is
with the judicial system. With the growing movement and concerns in what is
called Black Lives Matter, yet the major concern with the movement is the
single agenda. People want to know what do they, stand for or what the end
agenda is. I am not a figure head in the movement, and who knows if these words
will come across their path. The movement was started because of Trayvon Martin
being murdered by George Zimmerman.
Since, society wants our people to stand behind
something; my suggestion to the leaders of this movement: is to work on the
repeal of all laws that evoke a calling for justifiable murder. I am a black
male, and I have serious issues with Stand Your Ground. Currently 32 states
have laws on the books that evoke some sort of Stand Your Ground: they are
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana,
Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts Michigan, Mississippi,
Montana, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania,
South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin,
and Wyoming, Iowa, Virginia, and Washington.
So more than half the country have laws on the books
that allow this: stand-your-ground law is a law that authorizes a person to
protect and defend one's own life and limb against threat or perceived threat.
This law states that an individual has no duty to retreat from any place he/she
has a lawful right to be and may use any level of force, including lethal, if
he/she reasonably believes he/she faces an imminent and immediate threat of
serious bodily harm or death; this is as opposed to duty to retreat laws.
Black Lives Matter, but the most important thing to make sure we as a people know that All Lives Matter, then removing shot to kill from our law books, is the best tool for bringing Trayvon Martin the justice that he deserves. Without Stand Your Ground, and street fight won’t end in the use of deadly force, while the living person is saying he feared for his life: when he was the person who brought the weapon to the incident. If All Lives Matter, then you can’t be in fear of your life when you are the only person with a deadly weapon.
Black Lives Matter, but the most important thing to make sure we as a people know that All Lives Matter, then removing shot to kill from our law books, is the best tool for bringing Trayvon Martin the justice that he deserves. Without Stand Your Ground, and street fight won’t end in the use of deadly force, while the living person is saying he feared for his life: when he was the person who brought the weapon to the incident. If All Lives Matter, then you can’t be in fear of your life when you are the only person with a deadly weapon.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Black Lives Matter: Black Men are not criminals
African American men are not all
criminals, as America may project. The number of students whom happen to be
African American improving their rates in higher learning; with an advance
education are black men. Since a high school diploma means nothing to a black
male, there aren’t any jobs for them. So the next best thing to create some
type of financial security for an African American male is: getting an
Associate’s Degree. An Associate’s Degree, gives a black male that small step
on the moon of job security. Yet, the wages haven’t help black men and to be
honest black men take a lot of the labor force, yet they are generally paid
lower on average than most women in the work field. Here are some facts the
Urban Institute in 2013, released a study about student loan debt with African
American males are 20% higher than white males, and African American women. The
principal rates on these loans are unsecured at 4.798 APR, and this makes it
extremely difficult for a black male to keep up with payments. And with for
instance a white male, the principal rates on their student loans are more secured
at 1.342 APR. It means their premiums are lower, there’s no fee for service,
late or maintenance of the loan.
With that said 34% of African
American males have student loans at a 2 to 1 ratio. And who is paying back
these loans are African American males, 64% of those with loans cover 71% of
the African American work force and 70% of them are working part-time jobs,
making on average $30,000 plus per year: Full Time, $12,000 part-time,
averaging $12 per hour. A white kid straight out of high school, with less the
education and experience is making $19 per hour around $40,000 per year and
majority of them are classified as apprentices in labor trades.
If African American men are
picking up the bill in repaying their student loans, with a rate of 10% of
those loans are unsecured yet paid in full or in good standing. This is
compared to the Caucasian race on average of repaying student loans at 9% are
in default or not in good standing. White men, are getting paid more, have more
job opportunities, but yet studies show they are the worst at repaying their
So how are black men criminals,
thugs and a menace to society, when we have the highest rates in good standing
African American men with Associates’ Degrees: whom are low payed, and are
leading the way in student loan repayment? How are we black men a menace to
society with unsecured loans; a growing crises in family services, and a
workforce that generally pays our labor the worst in America? We are shot at,
frisked stopped and look down upon as lesser to everyone. We are in the age of
Barack Obama, but the time for honorable black men to stand up is now.
It’s time for us to start wearing
our resumes on our chest, it’s time for us to stop hiding our brilliant minds
and it’s time for us to demand equal pay for higher loan rates. We are the
ones, repaying our student loans, we are the one getting paid lower for
advancing our education – so maybe the freedom we speak starts now.
Organizations like N.O.W. fought hard for the rights of women. Well, now it’s
time for the Black Live Matter movement to become the calling card for changes
in the justice system. Why? Because black lives do matter, and they matter in
the phase of what I written above?
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Why We Protest
It's been a long time is I wrote a note that had any meaningful message. My voice has been sidelined ever since the events that happened during the Occupy Wall Street March. If you want more detail to why I am so passionate about America's lack of content with blatant disrespect to men of colour, or mixed race men whom were born from men with pigment in their skin. You can purchase my book online at Barnes & Nobles or through Nook. The book is called Wall Street Occupied, and it details the movement from the front lines. The book isn't selling well, but the impacted story will have you marching.
I am writing this note because BLACK LIVES MATTER. They matter to me, to you: they matter to the daughters that love them. They matter to the women that take care of them, and they matter to the fathers that birth them. With the many cases of senseless deaths which preclude the massive amounts of riots due to Mike Brown's case, was it a result of charged up energy of abuse from law enforcement. What happen to Mike Brown, was years of anger noted to being targeted?
Mike Brown, was no saint; maybe he committed minor crimes that would get him probation or counseling. His minor crimes, didn't grant his death. And the lack of remorse, plus the spirituality in a human's soul to disregard humanitarian needs; with saying the same results will be done again. Darren Wilson, Ferguson Police officer out of Missouri, we have had enough of these so called Justifiable Murders on young men in my generation. This country that was built on the blood of my people, and the sweat of immigrants, has had enough of the tormented treatment from those who are hired to protect and serve.
We shall not stand idle to be a crucifix on a legal system that profile us once we get a government issued ID. We shall not be justifiably murder before we can legally toast a drink. We shall not be memorials that brings morality to men in uniforms shooting down men of colour, without just cause.
As children we are tought to repsect the law, as teenagers we are forced to run from the law. As young minds we are profiled until we hate the law, and as men we now stand to defend ourselves from the law.
What makes a beautiful child of colour, a demon as a teenager; angry as a young mind and an animal (Thug) as an adult. When that same stem sprouted with love and passion, only to find out that we are still being denied encome equality!
People say slavery was so far away, and we have made so many miles on that mountain of prosperity. Yet, the respect for the lives of men like me isn't there, no matter who you are. In the eyes of those who are here to protect and serve, you are a nigger, a thug, an angry black man, not worthy of life; a demon and an animal. You can be President Barack Obama, and saved their loved ones from dying form cancer or ebola, with a stroke of a pen that brought a law. And they will hate you for it because President Obama has pigment in his skin. You can be a college grad just about to start a family, and they will shoot you down -- for appearing to have a gun while you are unarmed. They can stalk you in your own community, say you're trying to steal your own stuff and shoot you down for reaching for the keys and information they're asking you for. They can have reasons for justified killings, for holding toys in public, or for the celebration of new years with friends and family. They can claim self defense while starting a fight, while you're walking home. They can pull you in a car not announce who they are, shoot you and while you run away: they can gun you down with 7 more shots, and say they feared for their life. They can say you were resisting arrest, stop and frisk you endlessly because they can. They can kill you, or spray you with tear gas: during a protest, on economic equality. Then make up fake files to smear your name as a common criminal. All they need is your social security and they can get that when they frisk you.
They demand respect and honor, for killing and doing their jobs. Right, it's a JOB, you are suppose to protect and serve, not abuse that order have lack of judgement, shoot to kill and racially profile on group of men, because you fear them.
Malcolm X always said, "We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us." My members of a civilian population who have been targeted, harassed by the police. Now is the time to come out of that rock.
Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr said: "From the mountain tops to the Himalayas that all men are created equal." To the civilian population who have been targeted, now is that time to walk across that mountain top and fight for that Himalaya.
Medgar Evers died, so that Mike Brown could never get shot. Jim Crow was a law that made sure Trayvon Martin couldn't be judge by what he is wearing. Malcolm X died, so that Eric Gardner, Shawn Bell, Jon Crawford, Tymir Rice, and all the cases of police brutality can end, and those lives be saved.
Dr. Rev Martin Luther King Jr died, so we as a world and nation can treat all men equal. So that Mike Brown, myself and all men of colour would have just cause on crimes committed against us, and that there never be a notion of justifiable murder.
Now, is that moment becauase we may have freed people of colour from racism, but we haven't freed our men of colour from the racist justice system that killed all of our leaders and young men legally.
Now the nay sayers will say, what about black on black crimes. We can't put out bush fires without putting out the 5 alarm forests fire. And that is why we protest, since those leaders have died, but we still left their creed behind. The Civil Rights Movement help everyone but men that looked like me, and the legal system designed to kill me. And that is why I protest, since my life matters, and should yours.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Addressing Racism
Letters' To The President
Dear Mr.
President Barack Obama,

the first time in 20 or more years, the United States Government has been shut
down. And not since a president who represents a democratic party have we seen
this much obstruction in congress.
though during Former President Bill Clinton's tenure as president; the minority
party, didn't go into the limits of total collapse, based on racial issues. As
an African American, with strong support to Organizing For America, and now
Organizing For Action; I must say -- 85% of those currently holding federal
offices in Republican Party for the House of Representatives and Senator are
using politics as a tool to promote racism.
fringe element off the republican party are in fact bring forth a level of
hatred, no other president has ever seen. And we are bound by the words plus
actions that create a space for the members preaching such hate. The type of
reverse hate that makes the victims the target for the attacks on them. Like,
when a person commits a verbal assault that leads to racial tension; why must
the attacker accuse the victim of playing the race card? Or if you are baiting
people into a race war on separation, why such person can’t be called out on its
very own premises.
rhetoric is getting so ridiculous onto a notion of stupidity. The theme of
stupidity would be making an understatement into what's actually going on here.
They as in the Tea-Party, and the centric base supporting this organization --
is in fact spreading racial propaganda in order to undermine your presidency.
for instance the Trayvon Martin case, which has sparked an unnecessary feud
between: Gun owners, and civil rights activist. The Tea-Party leaders are
making this an attack on democrats; privy to a theory on losing 2nd Amendment
Rights. And that ramblings now have led to a race baiting war between; centric
neo-conservatives and everyone else -- on a singular notion about civil rights
when it comes to segregation. Meaning they're calling you a racist because you
don't speak enough or highly enough on Caucasian banter, or any time you
mention anything remotely close to promoting awareness for African Americans,
Latinos, or any creed in the minority.
have many pressing issues that makes a major concern; coming pacifically out of
the banter or rhetoric from the Tea-Party's operation to delegitimize your
presidency. And now more than ever; even with the debt ceiling crisis, also the
government shutdown -- there needs to be a serious debate on the issues of
this issue is now seaming into the realm, plus ideas on government's policy and
politics. The outcry, of people saying they fear for their country, or the
future of their children because you're president. This type of prejudice leads
congressional leaders, plus the GOP leadership to be up and at arms over your
policy. Since, no matter what you do, or what accomplishments you achieved --
there's this segment amount of people who will hold a prejudice against you
because you're African American. And I don't want to say Negroes or blacks
anymore-- we are all American.
President Barack Obama, as a supporter and an advocate advising on issues; it’s
a common lack of true trust, that goes toward the pigment of a person's
skin--rather than the content in their Character. Are we free, those words are
mocked in mockery by the same centric neo-conservative groups; who fear you
because you black.
words Free at last meant, we are free from the unjust, and prejudices that has
our souls segregate into in the past. As an African American man, breaking the
color barrier but in all honesty; we are still "demonized, plus
demoralized based on trust factor. As if our creed isn't capable of functioning
in a complex society.
words Free at last meant, our symbolizing creed shouldn't be masked or mocked
as inferior to the other.
shouldn't be a need to fear leaders in this country that has earned the right
to be a symbolizing icon in leadership for a community.
a promising African American man can't work their tale off to become President
of The United States, can't be respected; without this stereo-type: on where
people are in fear of their children’s lives; along with theirs-- then how are
we as a country going to be one nation.
is one of the major reasons why, there is a need to address racial issues.
There's a need to address the rising concerns with securing boarders. Since we
are a nation of immigrants -- were cultures migrated here on the notion of
President Barack Obama, I'm writing this letter to ask you this question. As
the government shutdown looms over our heads, and as the debt ceiling forces government’s
hands, plus with the interest in national affairs -- creates a need for a
robust economy. Social domestic issues must be addressed. And why must it be
addressed, because the issues and stereo-types lingered on to African American
men; are sinking into our politics, our ways of governing.
Republican Party doesn't want to follow your ideas, even though most of your
ideas are vital to the success and wellbeing of this country; since you're the
President of The United States. They're preaching you're untrusted worthy, plus
that they fear for their lives, fear for their country. It's a disclaimer that I've
seen so many times in my youthful age. That African American men, aren't bright
enough, we're untrusted worthy, and unworkable should be addressed.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Stand strong
Letters' To The President
Dear Mr.
President Barack Obama,
nations' debt crisis shouldn't be a tool for political grandstanding.
Republican leadership in the House of Representatives should be labeled as a
disgrace in GOP leadership. A country that has embedded the principles embodied
from the French-- written in American Language as a banner to see; should never
be a tool for debt reduction.

have a party running amuck; and mocking our just system. Like, quoting the
constitution, without just cause in knowing the country's written text and
definition of the constitution. That's why we need a unilateral approach on
addressing the nation's debt. We can't just cut taxes for the rich; bury the
poor, leave our struggling families -- cold and hungry. That's not what the
United States of America; was ever about. This country was more people and
nations coming together in unity; to endure this countries resolve. A resolve
that includes a slogan of bring your weak, your poor yearning to be free.
from the deception and control from an unwilling monarchy. Where tariffs hold
the poor hostage; with ever increasing fees that weren't taxes; in order to
make the struggling poor people's lives miserable. Free from a society were
economics creates the social domain people live. Free from government genocide
or laws that create a communist culture.
is the land of the free, with laws and regulations that protect the type of
freedoms sort for in a state of a democratic union. We can't promote a union of democracy, while legislating
a system of perks and privileges.
GOP banter is to shut down the government, and this type of shut down will
damage more families than ever before. The federal government won't be able to
make obligated payments; such as funding for the poor. It won't be able to make
governmental ends meet.
most importantly, families and their lives will impacted. As federal
contractors won't get paid for working on public project. People on Social
Security Insurances won't be able to receive their benefits. And public
companies, such as teachers, fire fighters; police, state and municipal workers
will be working for free.
why we need to end this type of insanity folded in a weak congress.
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